

2Yes, Id like that Mickey schoolbag in the shop window是我的书包英语我的书包英语我喜欢橱窗里的那只米奇 牌的书包3Sure Theyre in my schoolbag当然在我的书包里4The school boy opened the door and flung his我的书包英语;I go to school for Monday to FridayThese days I must carrying my friend to the schoolWho is my friend?Guess!Oh,it my school bag I like my school bag very muchIt’s very fatThere are many。

My bag我的书包 This is my favourite bag,which was bought by my parents last year 这是我最喜爱的书包,去年我父母买给我的I love my bag very much because it has some lovely aniamls on it我很爱我;我的书包用英语的说法my school bagschool bag造句1Pencil case, glue, school bag铅笔盒,胶水,书包2Ah! I love my school bag啊我喜欢我的书包3The school bag might belong to Linda。

My bag我的书包This is my favourite bag,which was bought by my parents last year 这是我最喜爱的书包,去年我父母买给我的I love my bag very much because it has some lovely aniamls on it我很爱我的;我的书包 my schoolbag Jim 的 书包 Jim#39s schoolbag 他们的父母 their parents 我的书包英语你的钢笔 your pen 我们的朋友们 our friends 它们的名字 their names 这是我妈妈的书,This is my mother#39s book那是我的That。

I love my school bag 4小学一年级英语作文我的书包 My Schoolbag I have a nice schoolbagIt#39s black and round,and looks fashionableI can put all my books and other school things in itIt has tw;“书包”的英语读音schoolbag 英 #39sku#720lb#230ɡ 美 #712skul#716b#230ɡ例句1Mother bought a new schoolbag for me yesterday昨天妈妈给我买了一个新书包2Yes, I#39d like that。

初三我的书包英语作文1 My bag is my good friend It’s red and big There is a Mickey Mouse on the bag How lovely!It has got two straps for my shoulder and it has got six pocketsMy books;我的书包 每个人都有自己上学用的书包,我也不例外别看我的书包普普通通,它却能放许许多多的书,它的颜色是蓝灰相间的,它的外形是长方形的,还有两个小拉链晚上,书仿佛在书包里睡觉每天,它都陪伴着我上课。


那不是我的书包用英语说That#39s not my bag书包schoolbag 双语例句1她在自己的书包里翻找着,拿出一支钢笔She delved into her schoolbag and brought out a pen2但是你想过书包的历史吗?But have you。


一schoolbag n书包 1This term, I also had to get a new schoolbag and pencil case这学期我还得买新书包和铅笔盒2Do you see my schoolbag? No! Is it in chair?你看见我的书包了吗没有,在椅子。

我的书包里有很多书,英语是I have many books in my schoolbag详细解释many 英#712meni 美#712m#603niadj 许多,多的pron 与复数动词连用 大多数人例句I don#39t think。


1、篇一小学英语作文My School Bag 我的书包 小学英语作文My School Bag 我的书包 I have a good friend Her name is school bag She is a very beautiful girl Look! there is a picture on her face It#39。


3、2 我的书包英语作文 I have a backpack It is large and it is blue It is a birthday gift from my parents I love it very much It is very quothardworkingquot, because I keep all my school things。



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