

关于我的名字是李华英语如下my name is Li Hua 李华我是李华英语,中高考英语作文常现人物我是李华英语,最早出现在1995年全国高考卷甚至更早的个别城市模拟卷中他通常是某中学的学生,担任该校学生会主席他经常助人为乐,并积极参加学校的;这句话的英文可以是这样的 I am Li Hua,a member of the Students’ Union也可以这样说I’m Li Hua and I am a member of the Students’ Union。

我是李华我来自高二二十二班 I am Li hua I am come from Class22 , Senior High School;Sunday Fine Today, we took the school bus to Kang Le old folk’s home The old people greeted us warmly and they were very pleased to see us We helped them do a lot of things in the old folk。

My name is lihua, came form china i am 16 years old i am study high school at guilin i enjoy learning english and hope i can be friend with you。


1、I#39m li hua, a senior 3 student Lucky enough for me to be chosen to take part in the volunteer activity in our school, I。

2、我是李华英语你好我是李华翻译成英语是Hello, I#39m Li Hua英语是西日尔曼语的一个分支,最早由中世纪的英国使用,由于其广阔的殖民地,英语已成为世界上使用最广泛的语言盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛的日尔曼部落之一,被称为。

3、我是李华,一名中国的中学生 I#39m Li Hua, a middle school student of China。


1、“My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan provinceI studied in GuangMing primary school from 2001 to 2007Now I am studying at the No7 Middle School in ChengDuOur main cours。

2、I#39m lihua, a student。

3、hello,everybody,my name is li huaI will be in one of the history museum every weekend as a volunteered museum narratorwhat i#39m going to introduce to your today is the Fivestory Colored Pottery Storage。

4、“你好tom,我是李华,最近过得好吗”quotHello, Tom, I#39m li hua, have a good recently我是李华英语?quot。

5、你好我是李华用英语的说法是Hello, I#39m Li Hua英语是一门普通高等学校本科专业,属外国语言文学类专业,基本修业年限为四年,授予文学学士学位该专业学科基础包括外国语言学外国文学翻译学国别与区域研究比较。


6、我是李华,是一名高二年级的学生,翻译I am a senior high school sophomore student, Li Hua例文我是李华,是一名高中生的high school student我很喜欢学英语,但对英式英语和美式英语的区别differences不是很。

7、你好我是李华用英语说的话就是Hello,I am Li Huahello,在句首,第一个字母要大写,还有就是名字的首字母也要大写hello用于打招呼,问候,你好的意思这是一句日常用语,见面和人们打招呼常用的句子如果好朋友打。



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