

温馨提示卡 warm tips cards 温馨提示事宜 Kindly Reminder 温馨提示的英语例句 1 Warm Tips Do not squeeze温馨提示英语怎么说, puncture and bulge bag温馨提示英语怎么说, please not edible温馨提示 勿挤压, 扎破胀袋 漏气勿食用2 As a。

Warm prompt1The code of wifi of this room is78 2Please turn off the aircondition, tap and electricial equipments before you leave the #39t forget to bring the key with you and your。

两种表达都是正确的,都表示温馨提示温馨提醒的意思,但需要分情况进行使用kindly读音英 #39ka#618ndl#618 美 #39ka#618ndliadv 亲切地温和地仁慈地 adj 亲切的和蔼的体贴的。

conveniently随手关门Shut the door after you随手关门Please close the door as you go out请你随手带上门温馨提示英语怎么说我个人认为,quot温馨提示 随手关门 quot的翻译是A gentle reminder Close the door after you, please。

1草木无情皆愿翠,行人有情多爱惜Unsentimental green grass and trees need more care from sentimental passersby2提高环保意识,建设养好公园Enhance environmental awareness to build a beautiful park3花草。

Caution For Glass应该是这样翻的,温馨提示不用明译出来,包含进去温馨提示英语怎么说了。

温馨提示Kind Notes为了你的安全,请不要跑步喧哗For your security, no running and noising温馨提示英语怎么说!请勿喧哗!Quiet, please!为了你的安全,请不要跳水For your security, no diving。




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