

科技的利弊英语作文带翻译 篇1 科技是把双刃剑 Improvement in science and technology is a doubleedged sword, offering comfort and convenience to life, while simultaneously bringing harm and pain to peopleWhen t;第二十一世纪是技术的世纪现在,技术在我们周围无处不在下面,我帮你整理了科技的影响高中英语作文,希望你喜欢!科技的影响高中英语作文篇1 With the development of science and technology,people#39s lives have been。


Nowadays,INTERNET is so important that we can hardly do jobs without itBut every coin has 2 sides,INTERNET also has many disadvantages The details are as followsOn one hand,INTERNET has many。


1、As authorities work to avert a disaster at Japan#39s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the situation there is prompting countries across the globe to reevaluate the safety of existing nuclear plants and their。

2、现代科技给我们带来的方便和不便英语作文 #xE768 我来答 3个回答 #热议# 武大靖在冬奥的表现,怎么评价最恰当?百度网友3f278e7 20161210 知道答主 回答量5 采纳率0% 帮助的人3368 我也去答题访问个人页 关注。


4、they can decelerate aging and prolong life Besides, permanent stations will be set up in the moon or other planets or stars so that scientists can make a thorough study of the moon and other planets or s。

5、1With the development of science and technology,peoples lives have been greatly changedThere is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different waysFor instance,the invention。

6、As the society developed,the technology plays a more and more improtant role As a fact,high technology helps us a lot The invention of the mobile phones and computers all due to the technology so that。

7、On the one hand, the science may make our life better and easier One the other hand ,it#39s science that broken the balance between human and natural。

8、你好,解析如下The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human lifeThe great benefits brought about by this progress is hailed in every corner of the worldNew。

9、As we know, with the development of society, more and more students are having cellphone They are given as presents from parents, friends or relatives In my opinion, the disadvantages are much more obvious。

10、However,technology brings the harms for us,such as pollution It also makes some of us be lazy because life is too comfortableAbove all,we should make full use of the technology and do our best to。


现代科技使生活更加便捷Modern Technology Makes Life More ConvenientModern technology makes life more convenient tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being’ s progressMen used to cut。

区分好与坏,重要的是你如何看待和使用网络如果没有正确地看待网络那就会像那个年轻人一样,沉迷于上网而无法自拔If you can correctly use the network, it then is not an invisible sword, but is a good。



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