

Sorry我做不到英语, I can#39t do it。

都一样的,now只是个时间词,放前面后面都一样,但我做不到的翻译就是 but I can#39t do it。


sorry ,it#39s beyond mebeyond 一词老外常用,比i can#39t do it 要地道的多,外国人喜欢用介词代替动词。

It#39s impossible to make me forget you让我忘记我做不到英语你,是不可能的There#39s no way you can make me forget you不管你怎么做,我都忘不了你Forgetting you is something I cannot do忘记你是一件我做不到的事情。

译your demand is too much, I can not do it。

I tried to forget you, but I couldn#39t。

Could you let me say quotlove you quot seriously,say quotlove you quot silently?Do you accept it?Forgetting is fairly easy to do,but I can not, because it is youI am sorryI miss you very muchBut I want。

Probablely I ought to try to know more about you, but I just find that I can not make it。

想要忘了你,可我怎么也做不到”英语怎么说I can#39t do it that I forget you I want to forget you , however, I by no means do that I want to forget you from my memory, but I find it too。

i wouldn#39t be where i am我不可能取得今天的成就 if my father didn#39t tell me to如果不是我的父亲鼓励我 never say i can#39t永远不要说“我做不到”he#39d carry me and never let me fall他总是支持我从不。

为你解答If I could ,I would But I can#39t ,so I shan#39t译如果我能做的话,我会做的但我不会做,所以我不会去做的。

有些人值得我融化,但好像现在不是时候 Some people worthy of me melt, but it seems that now is not the time 15解开冰封吧,拜托了我做不到英语!15 to unlock frozen it, please!你不明白吗?我做不到 Don#39t you。

现在的我只剩后悔了 的英语是 Now What I only have is to regret我会后悔吗?用英语怎么翻译 Will I be regret?“但现在的我做不到”英语怎么说怎么翻译 都一样的,now只是个时间词,放前面后面都一样。

我不是人民币,做不到让每个人都喜欢 I#39m not the RMB, I can#39t make everyone like it 重点词汇 不是isn#39t fault blame ain#39t an#39t 人民币Renminbi RMB每个人everyone everybody tout le monde 喜欢。

Were I dollars, I would be admired by everyone。



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