

如何省钱的英语作文带翻译 篇1 Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our lifeMany things are more important than money 省钱的英语,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on We can use;Do you hate it when you really need money,but your wallet is empty?Well,thanks to spending wisely and saving,this can be stoppedHere are a few tipsMost people spend above their limit by using credit。

大学如何省钱英语作文ThepastdecadehaswitnessedadramaticincreaseinthenumberofstudentsspendlotsofmoneyincollegeThisphenomenonwillimposeheavyburdenofthefamilywe;问题七求quot省钱quot和“购物最省钱”的 英文翻译 省钱 save money 购物最省钱 Shopping the most money 问题八最省钱的 英语怎么说 the most dollarsaving问题九用英语写出省钱的办法 Top five how to。




节省钱 Save money, save expenses save在这里可以解释为节省, 存, money就是钱, expenses是费用 时间也是同理 Save time, 其中time是时间 前面两个作为动词短语, 就是表示这是一个动作抽象动作, 上面的save也可以用。

bargain price 便宜英语例句这个虽然不便宜,但我觉得我们还是应该买It#39s not cheap but I think we should buy it the less乘长途汽车唯一可取之处就是旅费便宜The cheapness of coach travel is its only。



AI always spend a lot in supermarketsDo you know any thing helpful?BI usually see the wares on stock,but pick nothing,though I love to see the tagsI go to take some necessaries just before I。

Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our lifeMany things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on We can use money to buy。


#英语资源# 导语学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种以下“大学英语作文”由 篇一省钱的方法 The Ways to Save Money For many young people, they don’t。

我们要怎么做到节约呢?省钱的英语你知道有哪些关于节约的英语谚语吗?以下是关于节约的英语谚语,与省钱的英语你分享省钱的英语! 关于节约的英语谚语1 1Saving from ourselves 节约从我做起 2Energy is limited, save unlimited 能源有限,节约无限 3a penny。


我认为这样的习惯如购买优惠券或团购很容易导致不必要的盲目消费购买者往往认为优惠券和团购能帮助他们省钱It is praiseworthy that students choose to buy something they’re really in need of in such a way But。

标签: 省钱的英语



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