

Can we make it up with each other?注释make it up with sb与某人和好和解和好英语;#9654 *** 本报内部消息谁知道黄佳英能不能跟和好英语他重新和好呢和好和好英语的近义词敦睦和睦和洽融洽修好亲善 和好的反义词吵架翻脸反目交恶决裂闹翻争吵 和好的英语单词1make up2bee reconciled 用和好造句 1“;问题一分手之后 想和好 用英语怎么说 Can we get back together?肥皂剧常见Shall we get back together?同上和好英语,较上者轻描淡写,常用在拉不下脸所以像说笑地问的程况Can we start again?肥皂剧常见我们可否;百年好合的中文意思是“夫妻永远和好”英语可以这样说The best has just begun Long may you be together May you always live in wedded bliss To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse;2 make up 和好修复 例句Although they quarrel with each other now and then, the couple make up soon 尽管他们时不时会吵架,这对夫妻不久就和好了3 mend fences 与某人和好修复关系 例句She。

亲爱的,我知道自己错了,你原谅我好吗我绝对不会再犯这样的错误你知道吗我很爱你 Dear, I know they are wrong, you forgive me? I never make the same mistake Do you know? I love you;同桌,我想与你和好 岁月如歌,生命的历程如一叶扁舟,停泊过温柔的港湾也经过惊涛骇浪,每个人心中都有抹不去的痕迹五年级时我和女生李某为同桌她人长得挺秀气,水汪汪的大眼睛下面有一颗樱桃似的小嘴她有些泼辣。


let#39s make up,ok;和好get on well with 让我们和好吧!let us get on well with each other again;一recover 1读音 r#618#39k#652v#602 2释义 vt 恢复弥补重新获得 vi 恢复胜诉重新得球 n 还原至预备姿势 3例句 Then they treat them with drugs to help them recover然后,他们;I had an argument with my friend John todayIt was started from how to do a project for the schoolworkWe couldn’t agree with each other and after a while it became worse and we fell outI said to。

1让我们和好吧Let#39s be friends 跟读 2他说,丫头,我们和好吧 He would say, quotOk, my girl!quot3亲爱的,让我们和好吧,请接受这只死去的松鼠Sweetheart, let#39s make up Have this deceased;他有一对大的出奇的耳朵,简直可以和三国时期的蜀主刘备相比他就是我的好朋友张皓然张皓然是一个乐于助人的人班级里只要有那位同学遇到困难,第一时间站出来的就是他就拿不久前的那次英语测验来说吧老师;和好 n unanimity, accord,equanimity, concord, harmony, amity, rapport, agreement,compatibility v reconcile, make peace, be on friendly term, become reconciled, make it up。

我们和好吧的英语为Let#39s make up1let 英 let 美 l#603t允许,任由让,随假设出租 第三人称单数 lets 现在分词 letting 过去式 let 过去分词 let Let me say it again I despised。

标签: 和好英语



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