

1、我的房间英语作文篇一 Dear Alice,How are you? I#39m glad to invite you to e to my new house this ing Summer It is located in the No5 of the 5th street where is near our middleschoolThere are。

2、英语介绍自己的房间双语范文如下My home is small,but I have a room of my own,which has my favorite things and a lot of small secrets I can play games,read books,sing,and do what I want to do。

3、写介绍自己房间的英语短文篇一 We have a new flat Itrsquos on the third floor There are there bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a big living room I have my own room nowItrsquos big and。

4、用英语介绍自己的房间Look , I have a nice room Come and have a look It’s small and nice There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet The bed is near the desk There。

5、This is my room, it is very beautiful! There are a pink bed, blue curtains There are a airconditioned on the wardrobe There are also a room toilet Beside the bed is a bedside cabinet Below the。

6、Oh ,My bedroom is too beautiful I like it very much Do you like my bedroom?Can you tell me about your beroom ,please 看,我有一个舒适的房间,过来看一看,它小而漂亮,那有一张大床,一张小桌,一个书架。

7、介绍“我的房间”的英语作文It#39s small but nice I have a bia bed and it is very soft and comfortable There is aovely Teddy bear on the bed and it is a gift from my mother I have a small desk。

8、但我仍然喜欢我自己的房间 我最喜欢的房间,我的阅读,写作,听音乐,他们喜欢做的事情,而且是免费的幻想每当放学后回家,我冲进房间,不到特别问候的是他们强迫娃娃在她的胳膊坐在舒适的办公桌,和唱歌取代大型。


9、照字面理解就是“有什么或谁在哪里”比如 There are many children in the park There is a boy under a big tree开头先说这是你的房间,This is my roomIt is not very big but I think it is ve。

10、There be结构是英语中陈述事物客观存的常用句型,表示“有”,其确切含义是“存在”,there作为引导词,本身没有意义,用动词be的某些形式作为谓语动词,它的主语是用一些表示泛指或不定特指的名词词组,动词be和主语的数必须。

11、There is a bed which is next to the window in my roomWhen you come into my room,you can see a bookshelf as wellUnder the bookshelf is a computer。

12、你的房间又怎样呢?用英语介绍自己的房间以及翻译和构图我的房间My RoomI am happy I have my own room Look!This is my roomIt’s small but cleanThere is a desk and a bedThere are some dolls on my。

13、我的房间 打开门,噢,这房间多么漂亮啊这是谁的房间呢这是我的房间床在窗的附近一张被子和一个洋娃娃在床的上面我的床是什么颜色呢是我最喜欢的颜色紫色这是多么梦幻的颜色啊梳妆台在床的旁边。

14、Look ! This is my room It#39s small ,but it#39s very niceThere is a pink bed and a yellow desk in it There is a picture over the bedThere is a chair near the desk , Many books and a。

15、Look!This is my room It is small,but it is very beautiful There is a picture on the wallNear the picture,there is a photo of my family mumbers and meMy desk is beside my bedMy desk is blue。

16、The book is in my schoolbagThe cup is on the tableThe dog is under the deskThe TV set is in front of meThe clothes are hung out of the window 手工劳动,满意请采纳,谢谢。



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