

I know something about LycheeLychee name quotfrom the sticksquot花生酱英语, quotDan Li,quot as ginkgo of Wang City planting lychee spent a long history, Tang County Biejiazhengru Zhangzhou in the quotfree poetry toquot write on。

美国饮食文化英文One kind of the culture formation all should have certain history accumulation , general history sometimes is therefore likely to bring up one kind of cooking culture一种文化的形成都应具有。

Is it tasty?好吃吗词汇解析tasty 英文发音#712te#618sti中文释义adj美味的可口的好吃的风骚的,有味道的,性感的男子用以形容性感女子例句Although it is tasty, crab is very filling螃蟹。

1花生酱 salt peanuts 1咸花生 花生的英文例句 1 The Orientals use no butter They prefer the very healthful peanut oil东方人不吃黄油,花生酱英语他们更喜欢对健康非常有益处的花生油2 Add 2 tablespoons of pea。

花生英语可数 花生peanut 是可数名词,复数形式是peanuts英 #39pintsn 作物 花生小人物小零碎微不足道的钱peanut的复数形式The children were munching on peanuts孩子们在出生地嚼花生例句1。


标签: 花生酱英语



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