

School Day is coming soonOn that day we will have many activities such as dancing singing playing some musical instruments and so on If you can do something like these校庆英语,and you are interested in校庆英语;Each province in China has something that it is specialty Harbin, my hometown is famous for its Red sausages, Central Street, which has one hundred years of history and it is also famous for its lantern。

尊敬校庆英语的各位来宾老师和同学们您们好!我非常荣幸能在本校的百年校庆上做这个演讲Dear guests, teachers, and students, hello to you all! I#39m really honored to make a speech in this school#39s 100year;Before graduation, we decide to give a gift to our school for its birthday We had a heated discussion about what gift to give We think we should do whatever we can to help our school Some advise。


1、Dear Eva, It will be almost a month since you wroteto me and you have possibly forgotten your state ofmind I doubt it though 亲爱的伊娃,距你给我写的上封信快有一个月了,你可能已经忘记了你当时的。

2、我们学校开了一次校庆,我很开心因为我以合唱队员的身份参加了演出在演出前,我很紧张但是,上了台我就恢复了精神我们唱歌我们跳舞让整个会场充满欢乐我爱我的学校Our school opened the first anniversary。

3、TimeSunday,25th,Oct Dear Edison,Our school#39s 100 year celebration party will be held on Sunday,25th,Oct I#39d like to invite you to comeThe party will be held in the school football fliedAll the ex。

4、Ninety anniversary of school,可加our在school 前面。


校庆日的英文是School Day校庆日前不加冠词英文decoration day体育学科和带有Day的节日前不用冠词,以Festival结尾的构成的传统节日前要加定冠词中国传统节日的名称前通常要加the而外国的节日就不用加定冠词的。


Possible versionBefore graduation, we decide to give a gift to our school for its birthday We had a heated discussion about what gift to give We think we should do whatever we can to help our school。


Today is the one hundredth anniversary of our school I do hope that our school grows stronger and strong I will never forget the past happy days and the former teachers Especially my maths teacher, Mr。

what do I expect my college life will be?Bringing with expectation,I imagine my college life should be very good The college is an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live inCampus。

标签: 校庆英语



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