

在公交车上的英语为On the bus在公交车上英语,读音为ɑ#720n #240#601 #240i #240i#720 b#652s重点词汇解释1on prep 在之上向在公交车上英语,朝关于吃,喝接近根据增加由电。

如果指在公交车内,用 in the bus,如 There are few passengers in the bus this morning公交车上今天早晨几乎没几个乘客如果指乘坐公交车,则用 on the bus,如 I go to school on the bus every day我。

二on a bus 读音英 #594n #601 b#652s 美 ɑ#720n #601 b#652s释义在公共汽车上语法bus意为“公共汽车”,指的是一种大的,能装很多人的客车,是可数名词。

“I am in the bus” 可能用来描述你的位置,即在公交车内而不是在外面你可能在给一个在公交车站等你的朋友的短信中使用这个表达,以帮助在公交车上英语他们找到你“I am on the bus” 将用于描述乘坐公交车从一个地方到另一。

篇一在公交车上On the Bus I go to school by bus There are many people on the bus Some of them are old, some of them are smaller than me, and some of them are mothers with a baby When I。


一次乘公共汽车 这个假期,我上书店买书就是乘坐的公共汽车,虽然车上人很多,但都很有秩序到站时,司机一点刹车,一个在车后面的乘客没注意,一下子摔倒到司机旁人们都以为会发生一场“战争”只见那位乘客说“您有。

在公交车上不能玩英文翻译是You can not play on the bus英语翻译,是指用英语来表达另一种语言或用另一种语言表达英语的语言之间互相表达的活动英语翻译既包括中译英英译中,同时也包括英韩互译日英互译以及。

她设法坐上了去纽约的头班火车The general is on the ship将军在船上Rarely does she talk to strangers on buses在公交车上,她很少同陌生人说话He saw the girl on a train他在一列火车上看见了那个女孩。

公交车的英文是bus,音标英 b#652s美 b#652s释义1n公共汽车巴士计算机系统的总线 The bus broke down on the way公共汽车在路上抛锚了2v用公共汽车运送用校车送学生往外区就读。

1 I was on the bus just now It was very noisy on the bus, so I didn#39t hear the cellphone ring2 I thought it was going to rain, but it turned out that there was no rain3 The weather。

It was Monday,Febuury,20thAfter school I got on the bus back home ,and at the same time an old man with his grandson also got on the bus tooThe old man took the schoolbag and the violin for the。



We cannot fail to notice that countless uncivilized behaviors exist in our daily lives, such as spitting, talking loudly, littering, saying nasty words in public places and so forth All these are bad manners。

When I got on the bus yseterday,my mobilecellphone was stolen because of a lot of people。

封闭的小型交通工具用IN,开放的大型用ON1在公交车上用介词on大家一定要记住,公交车虽然是个封闭的空间,但也要用介词on例句1Talking loudly on a bus is not polite在公共汽车上大声说话是不礼貌的介词。


I always help old people cross the road,I like helping people and I always let old people have the seat on the bus。



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