

question and answer,简称QA;英语面试问答带翻译篇1 你上份工作薪水多少 It#39s the question we all dread 这是一个问答英语我们所有人都不敢直视的问题 Sometimes it comes up in the first interview, and sometimes hiring managers hold it until the very end。

1 Yes, I do I think TV makes the world much smaller I can know lot of things about the world on TV2 Yes, I do My favorite novel is lt Gone with the Wind It is quite fine by reading;5I finally tracked down the book you want in a bookstore near our all,you can not get such opportunities that other words,selfbelief is not something you have with。


1、how did you help your friend when she or he was in trouble?回答When my friend is in trouble, I will try my best to help him and talk with her to enlighten her当问答英语我的朋友遇到麻烦时,我会竭尽所能地。

2、Is heshe your friend? Yes,heshe is No, heshe isn#39twhat color is it? it#39s redbluewhat#39s your telephone number? My telephone nuanber is what#39s this in English? It#39swhere。

3、本人听说英语对话许多都是一问一答所以求这类的句子,发个英语问答300句500句之类的 本人听说英语对话许多都是一问一答 所以求这类的句子,发个英语问答300句 500句之类的 展开 3个回答 #热议# 生活中有哪些成瘾食物?推着小车。

4、英语口语常用问答有Hi How are you How are you doing你好吗,Hi Its nice to meet you你好很高兴见到你,You look well你看起来气色不错,Fancy meeting you here真想不到在这儿碰上你,I dont think Ive had the。

5、二1 new,newer 2 nicer 3funny 4thinner 5 me 6 her#39s 7 busy busy 8 small 五1 thinner than 2 older 3 younger than 4 wilder than 5 who or 谢谢,要采纳哦。

6、1may l ask you a few questions about reading Yes, please2can you help me clean the classroomYes, of course3what is your plan for the winter holiday I haven#39t decided yet4what kind of。

7、I did my homework last night Yes, there was an English class yesterday Yes, I ate breakfast this morning I stayed at home last weekend Yes, I was at home last summer My last exams were on last Monday。



1、I have got a new carShe has got a beautiful voiceThey have got two dogs否定句I haven’t got a new carShe hasn’t got a beautiful voiceThey haven’t got two dogs一般疑问句Have you got。

2、The 60th anniversary of the People#39s Republic of China 建国六十周年活动大典 11How important is this anniversary to you? 庆祝活动对你有多重要Actually, it is very important to every one in China It。


3、FAQ是英文Frequently Asked Questions的缩写,中文意思就是“经常问到的问题”,或者更通俗地叫做“常见问题解答”FAQ是当前网络上提供在线帮助的主要手段,通过事先组织好一些可能的常问问答对,发布在网页上为用户提供咨询。

4、我没理解错的话,应该是有四段对话的吧第一个interest Are you interested in sports? Yes ,I doWhat kinds of sports do you like?BaseballDo you like to eat cokkies when you are watching TV。

标签: 问答英语



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