

1、Urbanization Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long time Some people are in favor, while others are opposed In my opinion, urbanization has both advantages and disadvantagesGenerally。

2、Advantages living in the city More and more discussion over the issue whether living in city is good has been raised frequently nowadays There are some people who deem that living in city is cool, also oth;I went to Beijing on my holidays我假期去了北京I went to Beijing more than eight times Beijing is the capital of China It’s a big city I am very familiar with Beijing It takes an hour and;3Absolutely,the polutions in cities are also getting worseInstead of stars,we see terrible clouds or othere things in the sky住在城市有很多好处通常更容易找到工作总是有很多的选择公共交通除此之外,有;作文如下Many people appreciate the conveniences of the cityPeople in the city can seefilms,visit exhibitions and watch games every day if they like to许多人欣赏城市的便利如果愿意,城市里的人们可以每天看;然而,住在城市里通常很贵你必须找到一份高薪的工作,否则,你将负担不起你将要做的事情此外,城市总是拥挤嘈杂和肮脏很难找到一个像农村一样人们可以享受和平和新鲜空气的好地方英语作文基本要求英语作文英文;篇一城市生活好处英语作文 What are the differences between city life and country life? When we talk about the city life, we will surely think of tall buildings, busy streets, flourishing bussinesses and;7 城市生活的好处英语作文80词 Most people want to live in the city However, there are always pros and cons Of course, life in the city there are helpful for us to find a good job, and。

3、Currently, there is a trend that people in countryside and small towns crazily crowd into big cities They desire to find a happy life or copy other’s happy life Thus, people wonder whether a person can;Most people want to live in the city However, there are always pros and cons Of course, life in the city there are helpful for us to find a good job, and convenient transportation there In addition;and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy有些人喜欢生活在城市,因为城市生活有很多好处人们认为有更多的就业机会,在城市生活比乡村更丰富多彩 更有意义而且更现代化方便,让人们享受B;benefits of the city 城市的好处 用己所长在小城镇做生意有他相对于大城市的好处capitalize on who is advantage small town businesses have over their big city counterparts那个城市的好处是它位于铁路干线上,而且你。

4、public order, good, here is the favorite of investors, the Government#39s support for the arrival of investors Welcome to this beautiful city prosperity 这里,是一座现代化的城市,环境优美,乃繁华都市,它建;The benefit of living in a big city Someone may choose to live at countryside rather than in a big city as they think the countryside has fresh air and no traffic jamBut for me,I like to live in a;there are more ways to spend leisure time in the city There are many places I can go to meet friends and have fun Finally, and most importantly, the city offers more educational and career opportunities。




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