

21st century is the century of technology Nowadays科技进步英语, technology is everywhere around us The development of technology has a significant affact toward the society Several technologies that we usually use are the;The progress of science and technology development科技进步英语, to make our future good and full of hope。

现代科技使生活更加便捷 现代科技使生活更加便捷工具是科技进步和人类进步科技进步英语的里程碑人类过去用手锯锯树,但是现在,用电锯可在几分钟内锯倒一棵树另外一个例子更加生动形象如果你有急事通知你的朋友,而他家距你家有2小时的路程,你;写作思路根据为科技主题,以为发展基调来展开描写,紧扣叙述与描写的内容,力求做到不突兀不生硬,不长篇大论或肆意抒情,有情真意切之感范文It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life scei。

随着科技的进步,科技影响着我哦们生活的方方面面下面,是我为你整理的英语作文技术改变生活,希望对你有帮助!英语作文技术改变生活篇1 With the rapid development of the modern science and technology,we are enjoyin;As authorities work to avert a disaster at Japan#39s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the situation there is prompting countries across the globe to reevaluate the safety of existing nuclear plants and their。

As the society developed,the technology plays a more and more improtant role As a fact,high technology helps us a lot The invention of the mobile phones and computers all due to the technology so that;The new century is approaching It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life sceience and space science in the 21st century First, scientists will conquer incurable diseases through the。

Knowing how to navigate through cyberspace, even if that means proceeding at your own risk, is essential to using the Internet参考资料cybhtm。



1、It’s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!技术以如此迅速的方式进步真是令人难以置信满意采纳,么么哒。

2、科技 kē jì科学技术的简称双语例句因此,对于我来说,它不但讲述了我的童年,还有科技的历史So, for me, it speaks of childhood, and of the history of technology当今,随着科技进步,生活节奏不断增快。



1、With the development of the society, the improvement of economy, the progress of science and technology, people#39s living standards improved。

2、说明了科技在不断的发展,不断的进步 Shows the continuous development of science and technology, and continuous progress。

3、题目The life in the future 正文With the development of science and technology ,people#39s life are becoming better and betterTherefore,it#39s hard for us to imagine what our life will be like in the。


