

1、Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the;on the one hand,Internet gives our lives more convenience on the other hand,it brings negative effects to our lives as well;With the rapid development of electronic technology,ebooks will become more convenient随着电子技术更方便的英语的快速发展,电子书就会变得更加方便;此外,更方便的英语我发现,有一些钱的学生愿意出租车作为一个更快,更方便的交通工具来上学 最后,我想每一个方法是合理的,我最喜欢来学校的方式就是骑车 英语作文上学与教育 It is monly believed that school is where people go to。


2、现代科技让人们的交流更方便,可使人们的心离得更远Modern technology makes people communicate more conveniently, but estranged themselves from the others;便捷的英文为convenient 拓展形容词convenient方便, 便利, 便捷, 简便, 方便快捷 名词convenience方便, 便利, 便捷, 方便起见,副词conveniently方便, 顺便, 便捷, 便利, 随手 便捷沟通 例句Master pages make it easy。

3、With the fast development of the mobile phone marketing, especially when smart phones;更方便的英语你好有些人喜欢住在城市,因为他们认为城市更方便,可以快速的买到东西,还有很多好玩的地方我的观点,我更喜欢乡村,我认为乡村让我很舒服乡村的水比城市的清澈,空气也更好而且城市的车很多,交通拥挤在乡村,我们。

4、Comparing printed books, I prefer Electronic books E books Because E books is much more convenient People no longer need to carry heavy printed books while travelling E books are also more environmental;用笔记本电脑看电影更方便,时间更自由 It is more convenient and more time to watch movies with a laptop 英 k#601n#712vinj#601nt 美 k#601n#712vinj#601ntadj 方便的 废语;In life, we are closely linked with the network, it not only let me to gain more knowledge, but also to make our lives easier;10这个网名没有什么特殊的含义,取英文名多数是因为发音好听英文名的英文意思是English name,各国比较流行英文名,因为世界各国交流多了,有了英文名更方便交流英语姓名的一般结构为教名 自取名 姓如 William·Jefferson11;方便的英语比较级 #xE768 我来答 4个回答 #热议# 武大靖在冬奥的表现,怎么评价最恰当? 仍游力鸿达 20200306 · TA获得超过3895个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量3122 采纳率24% 帮助的人274万 我也去答题访问个人。

5、回答和翻译如下科学我身边,出行更方便Science is more convenient for me to travel。

6、但高潮永远的伟大更方便的英语你的时间在更大It may not be the most convenient time, but orgasms always great are even greaterduring your periodProvided by gtcom 21 你觉得哪一种付款方式是最方便的;5convenient6amp7#348方便amp9#3410convenienceconvenient英k?namp11#3912vi?nnt?美k?n?vinj?ntadj方便的13废语适当的14口语近便的15实用的convenienc;厕所英式英语根据不同的场合,这个词可以表现亲密,也可以表现粗鲁Example I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go to the loo例我马上回来,我要去厕所Crapper 厕所 Example Hey man, where’s the。


