

on the one hand更方便的英语,Internet gives our lives more convenience on the other hand,it brings negative effects to our lives as well。

With the rapid development of electronic technology,ebooks will become more convenient随着电子技术的快速发展,电子书就会变得更加方便。

With the fast development of the mobile phone marketing, especially when smart phones。


回答和翻译如下科学更方便的英语我身边,出行更方便Science is more convenient for me to travel。


现代科技让人们的交流更方便,可使人们的心离得更远Modern technology makes people communicate more conveniently, but estranged themselves from the others。

Comparing printed books, I prefer Electronic books E books Because E books is much more convenient People no longer need to carry heavy printed books while travelling E books are also more environmental。



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