

Don#39t worry!I#39m here用英文怎么说 别怕,不疼就一下 英文原文Don#39t be afraid,just a little pain英式音标d#601#650nt bi#720 #601#712fre#618d , d#658#652st。

别害怕,你会做得更好Don#39t be afraid, you#39ll do better别害怕 网络 Don#39t be afraid Don#39t Panic Don`t be afraid Don#39t be scared 双语例句百度百科 1 别害怕,他只不过是吓唬你Don#39t be afraid;Don#39t be afraid, just have a try;版本一Don#39t Be Afraid of Failure,Believe that everything has a second chance版本二Don#39t be afraid of failure,because everything can start all over again;don#39t be afraid to make mistake people make mistakes all the time students make mistakes, teachers make mistakes, even the president of a country makes mistakes the reason that we make mistakes is so that。


be afraid to do sth与be afraid of doing sth的区别1be afraid to do sth,不敢去做某事 ,强调不敢Trust your abilityDon#39t be afraid to speak Don#39t be trapped by shyness相信你的能力,不要害怕;但采用第一人称口述时一般不会说得这么罗嗦,直接用Don#39t be afraid scared 就可以了,如果说quot别害怕他quot才要说Don#39t be afraid of him害怕某人做某事be afraid of sb to do sth;Don#39t scare,don#39t regret。

不要害怕 英文翻译Don#39t be scared重点词汇释义害怕fear be afraid be scared be afraid for sth双语例句Don#39t be scared I#39ll turn on the light别害怕,我把灯打开。


