

不要班门弄斧 77Shallow men believe in luck班门弄斧英语, Selftrust is the first secret of success 肤浅班门弄斧英语的人相信运气班门弄斧英语,而成功班门弄斧英语的第一秘诀是自信 78I have no secret of success but hard work 除辛勤工作之外,我别无成功的秘。

2 Business is business公事公办3 Desire has no rest人的欲望无止境4 Just has long arms天网恢恢,疏而不漏5 All rivers run into the sea殊途同归6 Do not teach fish to swim不要班门弄斧7。

3英语成语故事班门弄斧 During the Warring States period, there wasa carpenter named Lu Ban He was good at making woody toolsOne day, a youngman passed by a red gate He held up an axe with his。

爱屋及乌 love me,love my dog或He that loves the tree loves the branch暗送秋波 make eyes at somebody secretly 拔苗助长 spoil things by excessive enthusiasm 班门弄斧 display one#39s slight skill before an。

Please don#39t display slight skill before an expertquot this sentence expert 英#712eksp#604t 美#712eksp#604rtn 专家,能手 权威 行家,高手 熟练者adj 专家的 技术。

in ancient times,Lu Ban was supposed to be a consummate master in construction and sculptureCarpenters respect him as ancestor masterIt is said that he once carved a colorful wooden phoenix that was so life。

休要班门弄斧 Don#39t throw out your dirty water before you get in fresh 清水未打来,赃水莫倒掉 Don#39t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you 不要自寻烦恼 Don#39t whistle until you are out of the wood。




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