

My hometown Tianjin is a beautiful city介绍天津的英语作文,Its highrise buildings and a bustling main street,My favorite has to be the beauty of the haihe River,Because my grandma lived is near the haihe River,I like。

Welcome to my hometown! TianJin is my hometown It is a modern and busy town It has a long history There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here It is very easy to go s。

说到天津 介绍天津的英语作文我最喜欢的就是海了 顺着天津站前边的解放桥一直逛到古文化街,中间有大沽桥,北安桥,金汤桥,然后还有意式风情区,顺着海河 边走边看,沿岸非常漂亮,一阵风吹过,自己感觉意境非常的唯美英When it comes。

But in the old days,Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city characteristic of semicolonialism and semifeudalism The few rich persons lived in luxury houses while the majority of the working people。

This is my family There are four people in my family My grandmother, my father, my mother and meMy grandmother has short white hair She looks very nice My father has short black hair and small。




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