

1、Welcome to my hometown! TianJin is my hometown It is a modern and busy town It has a long history There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here It is very easy to go s。

2、My hometown is abundant, beautiful scenery, known as quotprairie pearlquot, this place is beautiful in Inner Mongolia It is a prairie town, though not nearly as great cities, like Beijing and Shanghai but with。

3、This is my family There are four people in my family My grandmother, my father, my mother and meMy grandmother has short white hair She looks very nice My father has short black hair and small。



5、But in the old days,Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city characteristic of semicolonialism and semifeudalism The few rich persons lived in luxury houses while the majority of the working people。

6、myhometown inmyhometown,winterisverycoldsummerisveryhotautumnspringisverygood,buttherewillberaintherearemanyfieldssuchasdaqingshanmountain。

7、My hometown in TianJin Sand everywhere there before, very desolate Now there is very beautiful In the middle of the village there is a small river before Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full。

8、去天津旅游的英文作文My mother took me on the harmony Beijing Tianjin Intercity Train to Tianjin At present, this train is the fastest train in ChinaWe went to five Avenue French concession, ancient。

9、morning,everyonei am glad to be your guideand today,i will show you the overview of TianjingTianjing is a very beautiful citeit attracts a large numer of people to come every year,because of。

10、My hometown Tianjin is a beautiful city,Its highrise buildings and a bustling main street,My favorite has to be the beauty of the haihe River,Because my grandma lived is near the haihe River,I like。

11、天津著名景点英语介绍如下1天津五大道Tianjin Five Old Street The five old street, located in the downtown area of Tianjin, is a block with five roads, namely, Racecourse Road, Mutan Road, Dali Road。

12、我爱天津 四年级 记叙文 468字 我的家乡天津,在我的东边,是北方最大的沿海开放城市我爱人人热情外地人一来到 便会马上感受到人热情好客的性格,如果你对哪个地区不熟悉,会毫不犹豫得帮助你我爱天津的海河,母亲。

13、说到天津 我最喜欢的就是海了 顺着天津站前边的解放桥一直逛到古文化街,中间有大沽桥,北安桥,金汤桥,然后还有意式风情区,顺着海河 边走边看,沿岸非常漂亮,一阵风吹过,自己感觉意境非常的唯美英When it comes。

14、Tianjin area 16 Tianjin has jurisdiction over 13 districts, three counties Jinghai County, Ninghe, JixianDistrict includesFirst, the city six districts Heping District, Nankai District, Hexi District。

15、鼓楼这是咱天津鼓楼景点,上面是中文,以下是你要的英文鼓楼 “天津卫,三宗宝,鼓楼炮台铃铛阁”,这三样均在天津旧城内外,为明代修建鼓楼位于旧城中心,名为鼓楼,实为钟楼始建于弘治六年1493年,高三层。

16、JohnI would like to introduce Tianjin#39s climate to you which is a monsooninfluenced humid continental climate Koppen climate classification Dwa characterized by hot, humid summers, due to the monsoon, and。



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