

meanwhile 与此同时作为句首同时的英语,用于较多英式英语at the same time也可以,口语一点;at the same time例如i will ask you some questions,at the same time,you can question me ,too我将会问同时的英语你们几个问题,同时,你们也可以对我提问;同时meanwhile 英 #712min#716hwail 美 #712min#716hwa#618l, #716wa#618l;all at once, all together, at a time, at one time, at the same time, contemporarily, in the meanwhile, meanwhile, simultaneous, simultaneously, together 前一个同时meanwhile 后一个同时together;at the same time,希望这个可以帮助到你 最常用的是at the same time in the meantimemeanwhile at one time但是如果要用高级一点的最好用一些复杂一点的单词,如simultaneously contemporary,等名词转化而来可以当连词;1,读音英in #240#601 seim breθ 美#618n #240i sem br#603θ 词典 同时 2,例句 He hailed this week#39s arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about。

meanwhile 英 #712mi#720nwa#618l 美 #712mi#720nwa#618l adv 同时与此同时 n 其时,其间 at the same time 英 #230t #240#601 se#618m ta#618m 美;有好几种说法,可以用 at the same time,或者 whenwhile 也可以表示同时的意思,还有 meanwhile 也是;1at the same time He is doing homework,at the same time,i am playing football同时的英语他在做作业,如此同时,我在踢足球2meanwhile The court is deliberating meanwhile,we must be patient法庭正在审议这段时间;问题六在 的同时 英语怎么说 While During 问题七与此不同的是 怎么翻译 On contray to this, 问题八这些话用英语怎么说 I once joined the student council and worked as the vice;meanwhile at the same time at the meantime 很高兴为你解答,希望对您有所帮助;at the same time She and I both arrived atthesametime by pure coincidence 我和她同时到达纯属巧合meanwhile I continued working, meanwhile, he went out shopping 我继续工作,这期间他出去买东西。


“一起”英语单词有togetheralong with in company with单词释义sit together,坐在一起stand together, fight together and win together,团结在一起, 战斗在一起, 胜利在一起together,in company,一起;adj 同时发生的,同时存在的同时的联立的 n 同时译员 同时的 同时发生的 同时译员 同步 复数simultaneouses 1There were several simultaneous attacks by the rebels反叛者同时发动同时的英语了几起攻击2 The;“同时”译为英语meanwhile 读法英 #39mi#720nwa#618l 美 #39minwa#618l释义1adv 同时,其间 2n 其间,其时 meanwhile demand同时需求 meanwhile enhance同时加强 meanwhile we同时我们 meanwhile。

标签: 同时的英语


