

What#39s the matter with you?What#39s wrong with you;你怎么了的英文翻译是What#39s the matter with you 双语例句1 What#39s the matter with you? You#39re acting as you struck gold你怎么啦? 你表现得好像发了财2 What#39s the matter with you? All of a;What the matter with you 这应该是最接近的了;一般英语寒暄“你现在怎么样”主要可以说1,how have you been?2,how are you these days?3,how is everthing going?第一种相对地道,美国人朋友或关系密切的两人打招呼时常用;What#39s wrong with you,brother;你怎么了的英语三种方法表达方式1what#39s wrong with you ?2what#39s the matter with you ?3what#39s the trouble with you 。


1你怎么样英语How about you?2how about you的读音英ha#650 #601#712ba#650t ju美ha#650 #601#712ba#650t j#6013例句Good, thanks How about you?很好,谢谢你;1What#39s the matter with you?2What#39s wrong with you?3What#39s up?4How are you?5How#39s it going?6How are you?7How do you do ?8What#39s up with you?其实也就是东拼西凑;at dance她擅长跳舞I think she is a warmharted girl我认为她是个热心的女孩I do well in English,and she#39s as well as me我英语很好,她也和我一样好不知道你想要怎样的句子,希望我写的能帮上忙 4 怎样。

“你怎么了”用英语表达是What#39s wrong with you相近意思的表达还有1What happened to you2What#39s come over you 3What#39s the matter with you相关短语1你的电视怎么了 What#39s wrog with;你怎么了用英语怎么写What#39s your matter?英语你怎么来了怎么说why do u e how do u e how e u came 用英文怎么说你到了吗 have you arrived你怎么看,用英文怎么说 此句翻译为What do you say?what。

What happend to you这句话说法比较口语,如果用完成时态是What has happened to you,也可以说What is happend to youwhat#39s up to youWhat#39s up这句话除了问你怎么了以外还有一种意思就是“最近怎样quot,是旧友;1What happened to you 英文发音w#594t #712h#230p#601nd tu ju中文释义你怎么了 例句What happened to you? Were you sick?你怎么了不舒服吗2What#39s wrong with you 英文发音w;to you What#39s come over you What#39s the matter with youWhat#39s wrong with you例句你怎么了没啥,有点头疼What#39s the matter with you?Just a bit of a headache nothing serious;根据英语语法和表述,该两句话可如此翻译,译文如下你怎么了What#39s the matterwrong with you?我感冒了I havecatch a cold;可以用What happened to you What#39s come over you What#39s the matter with you What#39s wrong with youWhat did you do等双语例句1你怎么了没啥,有点头疼What#39s the matter with you。

你怎么了英语三种表达方式如下1whats wrong with you2whats the mtter with you3whats the touble with you英语是一种西日耳曼语,在中世纪早期的英国最早被使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最。



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