

失物招领处的英语lost and found office双语例句1Is this the right way to the lost and found office?去失物招领处这样走对吗2I was enquiring in Lost Property at Derby 我当时正在德比的失物招领处打听。

Lost And Found 失物招领 I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball gameThere are an English book, a mathmatic book, and a physics textbook in the。

a pensil box and a water bottle Should anyone missed a bag like this, please come to Building Max Room 303 to recognize it失物招领 今晨我们收到在学校的操场捡到的书包,书包是红色的带有米老鼠的标识,书包。

1 Lost and Found I lost my wallet on the bus yesterday It contains my ID card, credit card and some cash If anyone found it, please contact me as soon as possible Thank you英语失物招领!我昨天在公交车上丢了。

1 英语作文失物招领 Lost I lost my schoolbag on the playground on the afternoon of the 8th this month Inside the schoolbag there are my bicycle keys, books and a dictionary Whoever happened to pick。

quot在失物招领处quot的英文at the lost and found found 读法 英 fa#650nd 美 fa#650nd1vt 创立,建立创办 2v 找到find的过去分词短语1found out 找出 2found on 基于 3file。

失物招领的英语范文1 今天下午,我在操场拾到一个包,里面有一支笔一本笔记本和钥匙另外,还有一个钱包,里边有银行卡和现金我的电话号码是3请失主与我联系This afternoon, I found a handbag in the。

失物招领英语范文2 Lose Gentlemen,I took the last bus No 406 home last night and got off at Zhejiang Wanli University Afterarriving home, I noticed that I had left my bag on the bus It is a。

lost and found lost and found,音标为l#594st #601nd fa#650nd,按音标读短语在失物招领处 at the lost and found at the lost property office 以及失物招领处 Found and Lost 去失物招领处。


失物招领启事英文范文1 Lost and Found!In a last few day,I lost a English book,If someone have pick it up,Please reture to me,My name is Please! Please! Please!失物招领启事英文范文2 Lost。

失物招领 标题Found中间位置日期Sep 6, 2012 写在右上角正文I happened to find a Chinese dictionary in our school this afternoon, inside which there are some cards and other things Loser is。

If you lost your pencil case Please call at 38假如英语失物招领你在学校操场上捡到一个红色的铅笔盒,里面有一支钢笔和其他物品请你根据上面的提示写一则招领启示,请失主到失物招领处认领,失物招领处的电话是38。

初一英语失物招领和寻物启事的小作文 I lost my wallet with carelessness on my way to school this morning Inside there is some money, IP card and a monthly ticket Will the finder please send it to No。

When I came to school this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printing on the ground of school gate I was afraid it would be demaged if nobody piched it up And I stood。



