

8Health is a wonder drug, exercise is saver卫生是妙药,锻炼是金丹9Exercise should always, adhere to, and machines, regular exercise did not rust锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才。

1Exercise is good for our health2Doing exercise is good for our health3It is good for our health to do exercise锻炼的好处体育锻炼有利于人体骨骼肌肉的生长,增强心肺功能,改善血液循环系统呼吸。

运动好处英语作文篇2 As we all know that do sports is good for our physical and mental Not only can it help us to strong our bodies, but also make us keep a high mood to do everythings So l t。

篇一体育锻炼的好处 The Advantages of Doing Physical ExercisesAs the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it” From this, we know that health is very important to every。





First of all,physical training could keep our health Secondly it can give us an good moodingThird,physics make our looks better that others think of we are liven last but not least,we can get more。

1体育锻炼有利于人体骨骼肌肉的生长,增强心肺功能,改善血液循环系统呼吸系统消化系统的机能状况,有利于人体的生长发育,提高抗病能力,增强有机体的适应能力2 减低儿童在成年后患上心脏病,高血压,糖尿病等疾病的。

生命在于运动每个人都需要运动运动有很多好处,多做运动可以让我们保持健康的身体和好的心情 sport is indispensable to life, everyone needs exercises doing exercises regularly will bring us a lot of benefits and。

最后一段总结体育锻炼的好处,呼吁人们积极参加锻炼It is reported that the health of young people in China, college students in particular, is not as good as is supposed to be There are many reasons for。

写作思路首先描述一下体育锻炼给人们带来的好处,再描述一下自己或者在学校都参加了什么体育运动等等正文Physical exercise is conducive to the growth of human bones and muscles, making the bones solidPhysical。

体育锻炼于我们来说,利大于弊多多注意安全,科学的锻炼方法弊端便不存在下面我整理了体育锻炼的好处和坏处英语,供你参考体育锻炼的好处和坏处英语范文一 Physicalexercise is a necessary part of college life。

最后一段总结体育锻炼的好处,呼吁人们积极参加锻炼范文it is reported that the health of young people in china, college students in particular, is not as good as is supposed to be there are many reasons。

最近,越来越多的人呆在家里看电视上网,所以导致肥胖甚至更严重的疾病出来运动对身体有很多好处的下面我整理了多进行体育锻炼英语作文,供你参考多进行体育锻炼英语作文范文一 体育锻炼的好处 The Advantages of Doing。



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