

1、adore a staradore是个及物动词,意思是“爱慕崇拜很喜欢”,看一下常用搭配adore a famous scientist 崇拜一位著名的科学家adore blindly 盲目崇拜adore faithfully 虔诚地崇拜adore passionately 热情地崇拜。

2、1adore a star adore是个及物动词,意思是“爱慕崇拜很喜欢”,看一下常用搭配adore a famous scientist 崇拜一位著名的科学家 adore blindly 盲目崇拜 adore faithfully 虔诚地崇拜 adore passionately 热情地崇拜 a。

3、idolater ai5dClEtEn偶像崇拜者,崇拜者,皈依者,追星族 idolater 或 AHD#186d#188l“trDJai6d%l*t*KKa!6d$l*t+n名词One who worships。


4、这句话不仅仅语法没有错,逻辑上也很正确主语 Celebrities 名人,谓语ought to be pursed中插入了否定短语by no means 决不,blindly副词,修饰介词短语by teenagers 全句汉语意思是 青少年决不应该盲目去追求。

5、如果他们错误地追星,就会毁了自己所以人们需要理智的支持明星篇二高中英语作文带翻译 Today is my birthday and I#39m so excited about itIn the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it。

6、这个是相关的英语作文,盲目追星英语你可以参考一下 I think we shouldn#39t catch up with star no rational, the star is only the ordinary people of different professional, we can like them, listen to their songs to see。

7、建议不能盲目追星,奢侈消费,只为在外表上相偶像看齐应该学习偶像成功的精神In these two irony pictures, we can see that a young man has written “Beckham” on his face while daydreaming to himself, “。

8、然而,盲目追星就有点过了 2Admittedly, starworship does make certain contributions towards society At least it boosts the prosperity of the film, TV, and sports industries, creates more job opportunities, and。

9、写作思路可以写追星是现代社会的一个潮流,但是追星也要清醒地看一看,想一想谁该追,怎样去追,才是硬道理正文No one can pursue stars, but please consider the feelings of your parents, please don#39t make。


11、Nowadays, starworshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many university studentsWhy盲目追星英语? When it comes to the symptoms of worshiping a star, the main factor I’d like to mention is imitation With a。

12、There is a sharp discussion on whether a high school student should worship a starIt is no denying the fact that some stars are quite popular among us,this situation makes us come up with a strong。

13、以2006年考研写作题目为例,根据教育部公布的英语大纲,写成正面观点反面现象均可,正面观点可写人们对于足球的热衷,对于追求的执着反面现象可写偶像崇拜盲目追星两种写法均不扣分 07年作文也不例外,写成自信挑战人生态度。


15、如果他们错误地追星,就会毁了自己所以人们需要理智的支持明星六年级的英语作文三 我的英语学习方法 My English Learning Method I like English I think I can share my English learning method with you Fir。



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