

泰山泰山英文的英语介绍Mount Tai, one of the five famous mountains in China, is located in the central part of Shandong Province, between Tai#39an, Jinan and Zibo, with a total area of 242,000 hectaresThe main。

泰山英文介绍Taishan Mountain is located in the central of Shandong Province In ancient time, it was called Mt Daishan or MtDaizong and was renamed Taishan Mountain during the Spring and Autumn Period。

中文名泰山 英文名Mount Tai 景区主体在泰安市山东省国家级历史文化名城 邮政编码,电话区号0538, 泰安泰山安,天下安,四海皆安,国泰民安之意 泰山 又称岱宗,岱宗万代山岳之宗的意思 古称。

1泰山Mount Tai又名岱山岱宗岱岳东岳泰岳,为中国著名的五岳之一,位于山东省中部,绵亘于泰安济南淄博三市之间,总面积242万公顷主峰玉皇顶海拔1545米,气势雄伟磅礴,有“五岳之首”“五岳之长”。

泰山东岳, Leading Peaceful MountainEastern Great Mountain华山西岳, Splendid MountainWestern Great Mountain衡山南岳, Balancing MountainSouthern Great Mountain恒山北岳, Permanent MountainNorthern Great。

Taishan Mountain 附泰山的英文介绍,在百度打这几个字然后第一个就是。

一般是因为中国和外国不同,所以中国的地方大部分是直接用拼音的,如果实在想用英文,你可以说Tyan 泰山就是Taishan Mountain or Mountain Tai。

你好,中国的山脉众多您应该问的是5大名山,东岳泰山南岳衡山西岳华山北岳恒山中岳嵩山其英文对应应该是Mount TaiMount HengMount HuaMount HenMount Song。

问题一泰山英文我想要介绍泰山的英文及翻译 MtTaishan is located in the middle of Shandong Province, with a total area of 426 sq km As the highest peak in Shandong with an elevation of 1,545 meters, Mt Taishan is calle。

实际上,对外宣传时,“五岳”的翻译是 the ive famoues mountains,that is Mount Tai, South Mount Heng, Mount Hua, North Mount Heng and Mount Song如果你想注明,可以翻成 Mount Tai east , Mount Heng。

泰山是五岳之首,是中华民族的象征,山东省泰安市是古老的片麻岩构成的断块山地泰山 Mount Tai is crowned as the most famous of China#39s five great mountains, namely, Mount Tai in East China, the Hengshan。

人猿泰山,Tarzan of the Apes 泰山,Tarzan 供参 参考资料wi ji bai ke百度百科有道桌面词典。



\ 答案补充 山东泰山被列为“世界文化和自然遗产”教科文组织在1987年12月泰山,一个典型的代表,中国著名的传统的山区,是一个山区具有悠久历史和特殊的历史地位 1982年,泰山被分为名单国家重点风景名胜区,并已。


Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province Taishan Mountain in Shandong was included as quotWorld Cultural and Natural Heritagequot by UNESCO in Dec 1987Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous。

应该是不可以的,因为平时所见到的都是Mount Tai,而不是其缩写,并且所见到的教材也没有提到过缩写,所以不建议您使用缩写 希望我的回答能带给您帮助。

泰山介绍 Mount Tai, the dual heritage of world culture and nature, world Geological park, national key cultural relics protection unit, national key scenic spot, national AAAAAclass tourist attractionTaishan is。

标签: 泰山英文


