

I like swimming是表示quot我喜欢游泳用英语怎么说我喜欢游泳quot的英语表达方式其中我喜欢游泳用英语怎么说,quotlikequot 表示quot喜欢quot,quotswimmingquot 表示quot游泳quot整个句子可以用来表达您对游泳这项活动的兴趣和喜爱除我喜欢游泳用英语怎么说了基本表达我喜欢游泳之外,还可以使用其他更加详细和具体的表达。

swimming1swim是动词,like也是动词,动词后面跟名词”我喜欢游泳“这里的游泳指的是项目,是个名词而不是游泳这个动作所以要用swim的名词形式,即swimming2swimming,读音英 sw#618m#618#331 美。


I like swimming游泳Swimming ,是人在水的浮力作用下产生向上漂浮,凭借浮力通过肢体有规律的运动,使身体在水中有规律运动的技能17世纪60年代,英国不少地区的游泳活动就开展得相当活跃1828年,英国在利物浦乔治码头。

我喜欢游泳英语作文 篇1 nowadays more and more people have the habitat of exercise,because in this way,people can keep healthand in these sports,my favourite sport is swimmingswimming can not only take。

I very like swimming英语中规定like作为动词时,形式为like doing,所以要用swim的ing形式,但swim 的ing形式为swimming具体原因和音标有关。

我热爱运动,而且我非常喜欢游泳的英文I love sports, and I like swimming very much sport 读法 英 sp#596#720t 美 sp#596rt1n 运动游戏娱乐运动会玩笑 2vi 游戏 3vt 游戏。


我喜欢运动,例如游泳,跑步等用英文是 I like sports, such as swimming, running and so onsuch as可换为for instance for example sport可换为exercise sport 英sp#596t 美sp#596rtn。

我喜欢踢足球,打篮球,游泳可以直接用英语这样说I like to play football, play basketball and swim也可以翻译为My hobbies are playing football, playing basketball, swimming我的兴趣爱好是踢足球,打篮球。

我喜欢游泳因为游泳可以锻炼身体英语翻译I like swimming because it can exercise my body英语翻译方法如下1直译法就是按照文字的字面意思直接翻译过来,例如汉语中的“纸老虎”直译成“paper tiger”,外国人看起来。

你好,很高兴为你回答问题译文如下Swimming is my favourite sports ,because it can make me easy and relax!希望我的回答对你有所帮助。

swim 不是动名词,swimming 才是动名词swimming is my favourite sport。

I am TOM,12 years oldI am a studentI like swimming very much。

I like summer It#39s too hot ,but I can eat watermelon and ice cream I can also swim。

My favourite sport is swimming这里应该用名词sport而不是sportsswim 在解释上可以做动词也可以做名词,作名词时比如have a swim,但一般都用动名词的形式,也就是swimming。

I like swimming nowadays more and more people have the habitat of exercise,because in this way,people can keep healthAnd in these sports,my favourite sport is swimmingswimming can not only take good。

我喜欢游泳打篮球和看山海经 英文I like to play basketball and watch the mountains and seas 或 I like swimming, playing basketball and watching the classics。

回答I came to a new school I now, class four I make many friends I likeswimming, love listening to music。



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