

1、4 玩得开心点Have fun5 在去夏威夷的旅途中玩的开心用英语怎么说, 我们都很开心On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits问题二开心用英语怎么说 happy 问题三高兴用英语怎么说 愉快而兴奋 glad happy;enjoy oneselfThis means that you enjoy having a good time也就是说,你喜欢玩得快乐I hope you#39ll enjoy yourselves希望你们玩得高兴We had a good time in playing tennis我们打网球打得很开心I;玩得很开心的英文have a nice time have a lot of funHave a good timefun近义词happy用法如下1表示高兴的原因,其后可接不定式that从句介词at,about等He was happy to be coming home就要回家;玩的开心,愉快的英文 have funhave a good time enjoy oneself 相似短语1a lot of fun 非常有意思很大的乐趣 2great fun 有趣的人很大的乐趣 示例If all else, I hope you have fun playing。

2、用英语来表达自己的祝福,希望它们玩的高兴时,用英语怎么表达?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!have a good time have fun enjoy oneself have a good time的英语例句 1 We can just hang out and have a good;They have fun fishing together on weekends周末,玩的开心用英语怎么说他们在一起钓鱼,很开心2have a goodgreatwonderful time You’ll have a good time during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics2020东京奥运会期间,你会玩得很开心;This means that you enjoy having a good time也就是说,你喜欢玩得快乐I hope you#39ll enjoy yourselves希望你们玩得高兴We had a good time in playing tennis我们打网球打得很开心I think I will;英语是Have a good time解释have a good time 英h#230v #601 ɡud taim 美h#230v e ɡ#650d ta#618m词典 玩得愉快, 玩得痛快例句We can just hang out and have a。

3、enjoy yourself 玩得开心,也可以说have a good timeHave a nice time玩的愉快you#39re sure to have fun 你一定会玩的开心I wish you a Happy playing祝你们玩得开心祝你玩的开心用英语是I hope you have;“玩的开心”的三种英语表达方式为1haveagoodtime,泛指“一段时间内玩的开心”2havefun,固定词组,表示“做某事有乐趣”3enjoyyourself,在某地过的很高兴时使用;祝你玩的开心用英语是I hope you have a good time句子解释hope 英h#601#650p美ho#650pn希望,期望希望的东西被寄予希望的人或事物情况抱有希望的理由vt希望,期望vt俚语相信;玩的开心的三种表达方式have funHave a good timehad so much fun 词汇分析 fun,英f#652n,美f#652nn 乐趣玩笑 adj 有趣的 过去式 funned 过去分词 funned 现在分词 funning 第三人称。


4、这个暑假我玩得很开心用英语表达 翻译如下I had a good time in this summer vacation重点词汇释义had a good time 网络 玩得很开心例句I had a good time dancing with you last night昨晚和你跳舞,我;玩的开心的英文是have fun词汇分析音标h#601v f#652n释义玩得开心 短语to have some fun 有一些有趣的 did you have fun 你玩得开心吗 拓展双语例句1Have fun, and show them that achieving。

5、“玩得高兴”英文写法have fun have a goodgreatwonderful timeenjoy oneselfhave a blast等 1have fun They have fun fishing together on weekends周末,他们在一起钓鱼,很开心2have a goodgr;1have a good time had a good time是短语,玩得开心得意思2Angel,I am going to the partyAngel,我要去参加聚会了3Well,have a good time玩得愉快4Hey,I am back我回来了5Did you。



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