

二双语写作范文参考如下 我和我的家人的一天 上个周日的时候我和我的家人英语,我们一家人去我和我的家人英语了公园玩我们先是去看了桃花林,里面蝴蝶成群结队地在花丛中飞来飞去旁边的柳树姑娘随风翩翩起舞忽然一阵香气扑鼻而来,哥哥抬头一看,小河;I and my family_我和我的家人英语作文50字 There are 3 people in my familyThey are my father,my mother and meMy father is a policemanMy mother is a housewifeI am a student in xxx SchoolMy;我爱我的家庭,我的爸爸,他是一个医生,他对我非常慈爱,并且他很有趣,我的妈妈是一名英语教师,她总是帮助我的英语,至于我妹妹,她七岁了,她喜欢在早上玩羽毛球,这就是我的家庭,有趣吧? 介绍自己和家人的英语作文不少60词 My。

译文 我有一个幸福的家庭里面有四个人他们是我的爸爸妈妈哥哥和我爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师我哥哥和我是学生在周末,我们经常去公园我的父母非常爱我们我们也爱他们这是我的家人一个温馨的家庭;My name is xxx I am twelve years old I am an outgoing girl There are three people in my family My mother, father and I me My father#39s name is xxx My mother#39s name is xxx My father;my families and I 当family做家人的时候,用复数形式希望对你有帮助。

我和我的家人的一天英语作Today, my parents took me to my grandfather’s home今天,我父母带我到爷爷家I talked with my grandfather for a little while and then I played with my brothers and sisters我;我和我的家人住在一所大的房子里英文翻译My family and I live in a big house语法说明当主语有多个人称时,通常将第一人称代词 I 或 we 放在最末重点词汇解释family #712f#230m#601li;my father,sister,mother and memother and father are worker,back home are very tired everyday,but mother a piace cooking sister is very good,she often to care for mother,father and mei love they;有两种说法my family,all the members in my family 不过my family更常用。

因为庆祝生日是一个人生活中的重要活动之一我的生日是2月16日,我妈妈的生日是4月27日我爸爸的生日是六月九日我妹妹的生日是7月7日我的生活很幸福,我爱我的家人;这句话的主干是主谓宾结构“我画画”,其它的成分“和我的家人一起”属于状语,按照英语造句逻辑应该后置于句末译文 I draw pictures with my family;Hi, boys and girls, I am glad to be your English teacher this year As you don#39t know much about me, let me first talk about myself hereOn the right you see an ageold picture of my family;Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and parents That morning, the weather was fine We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according。

我和我的家人一起去的英文I#39m going with my familygoing代表去的意思,with my family的意思是和家人一起用法示例 1Alex I#39m going with my family on a vacation next week亚历克斯下周我要和我的家人。


My Spring Festival The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday,the family get together to celebrate the arrival of the New YearThe Spring Festival is my grandmother home,early in the morning I help。


