

Last night弘扬的英语, the Chinese Chinese characters quotexcitingquot dictation conference champion night ended, from Hangzhou foreign language school land Jialei and Yu Jiamin, respectively won the championship in the contestThe;弘扬的英语我要为这个目标而努力学习,学习历史英语和各地文化习俗,将来为北京奥运服务,让全世界看到一个热情文明美丽先进弘扬的英语的中国 我热爱奥运,我期待奥运 改一些就行了满意请采纳。

弘扬中国传统文化用英语怎么说advance and enrich develop and expand carry forward Chinese traditional culture望采纳,谢谢;对于这种“中国热”弘扬的英语的现象我们应该持有正确的态度一方面我们应该为外国人的“中国热”感到自豪,这源于中国声望的提高另一方面,弘扬优秀的中国传统文化和捍卫祖国的形象,是每一位中国公民的责任。

下面是一个关于宏扬中国传统文化的英语短文In recent years, there has been a growing interest in promoting traditional Chinese culture both domestically and abroad This is because traditional Chinese culture is;Friends! Do you remember the first shocking quotnational anthemquot? quotGet up, not the wish is the slave#39s peoplequotWhen this magnificent song rings, I often to be shocked Surging, blood boiling has。

In order to forward the spirit of Lei Feng, our school decide to carry out some volunteer service。


1、Cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, and carry forward the national spirit比较标准~~~。



3、3弘扬志愿精神,实践公民道德,争创文明城市 4爱心是志愿者最好的舞台,奉献是志愿者最美的语言 5以英雄为楷模,学好本领服务社会 6我志愿弘扬的英语你自觉,携手共同创建文明新空间 7弘扬爱心精神,为社会上需要帮助的人贡献一。

4、Today I read an article about our ancestors Yao, Shun and Yu Maybe everybody knowsthis story but I will try my best to write it in English We may read that Yao, Shun and Yu werethe first three。

5、丝路精神英语是Silk Road Spirit1丝路精神即丝绸之路精神的简称丝绸之路不仅是商业通道,更重要的是丝绸之路体现的“丝路精神”丝绸之路作为人文社会的交往平台,多民族多种族多宗教多文化在此交汇融合和平合作。

6、carry forward 推进,发扬精神folk culture 民俗文化 回答楼下这是固定搭配,无通不通俗之讲讲英语是给老外听的,就得用老外能理解的方式,而不是靠你想象来解释问题四弘扬中国文化的英语怎么说 spread。

7、英语属于静态语言,尽量少用动词,所以翻译成名词短语,弘德意思是弘扬道德,翻译成morality promotion,博学有单词 Erudition,敏行意思是行动敏捷,翻译成quick actions, 敢先意思是敢为天下先,也就是具有开拓者精神,翻译成。


Chinese Traditional Culture The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history,along with the advance of the society and the increaceingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, which resulted。

As the vivid cartoon depicts, a little boy throws a package that still contains foods away, and an old woman picked it upThe purpose of the picture is to reveal that there is more and more wasteful。

标签: 弘扬的英语


