

1、The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet to college students debate competitionChair with the development and progress of society利大于弊英语, the network is more and more accepted by students利大于弊英语, also more and more;First of all, from my personal point of view, I think it is better to learn the language use, because the text of the subject can expand a person#39s horizons, regardless of what you learn professional;考试利大于弊Examination,the pros outweigh the cons考试弊大于利Examination,the cons outweigh the pros;1 As to me, I think advantages outweigh carry more weight than the disadvantages就我而言,我认为利大于弊2 Anyway, I still believe has more advantages than disadvantages不管怎样,我仍然相信 利大于弊英语的;用much修饰more本身就表达了很强烈的对比关系,用英语思维理解即可表达中文“利大于弊”的意思,因为翻译不是把字照搬着呆板地翻译就可以的,翻译是意义的转换而不是字面的转换还有这里的手机用复数,因为中学生带手机这个现象。

2、反方肯定会以科技带来污染各种疾病和人情淡薄来说事,我写这三个问题的辩词The pollution is not brought by Science and technology,instead,it#39s a problem about humans themselvesif everyone had established;exams are not essential to education辩论先要表明自己是反对还是赞成如果反对,这样开始i strongly against this subjectbecause of the following reasons我只大约给你分析一下点,写就自己写成文章列出原因1;也是如此6 The advantages of A are much greater than B7 pared with B, A has many advantages8 The advantages oueigh the disadvantages利大于弊9 Wonderful as A is, however, it has its own。

3、今天小编辑给各位分享大学生恋爱的利与弊的知识,其中也会对大学生恋爱的利与弊英语分析解答,如果能解决你想了解的问题,关注本站哦大学生谈恋爱的利弊总结作为当代大学生,以下是我对大学生谈恋爱的利弊看法总结一大学生谈恋爱的利;选秀活动弊大于利Nowadays, with the popularity of different kinds of talent shows, more and more young people wish to be famous overnight As a result, they indulge themselves in different TV shows or;“我认为它不是利大于弊英语他的”英语怎么写 I don#39t think it belongs to him大家认为网购是利大于弊还是弊大于利啊利大于弊英语? 喜欢上网购物的网民认为,用网际网路来完成购物不仅节省了时间,免除了舟车劳顿,还有机会买到在本地市场;假如我们干预,弊就会大于利If we interfere,it will do more harm than good粗心之害大于无知Want of care do us more damage than want of knowledge他们所做的事害多於利They have done more harm than;我们现在已经是信息化时代,从1984年第一台多媒体电子计算机诞生,到1993年美国政府提出建设“信息高速路”,再到今天,已经发生了巨大的变化现代科技产物“电脑”是我们常用的物品,可以上网但是上网好不好引起了我们的争辩。


4、we will be in the network game#39s help in the sea of life所以,我觉得网络游戏利大于弊So, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of network game 打了老久了;All in all, from my personal perspective, the role of the network is more good than harm, we should learn to use it properly。



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