

First of all利大于弊英语, from my personal point of view, I think it is better to learn the language use, because the text of the subject can expand a person#39s horizons, regardless of what you learn professional。

假如我们干预,弊就会大于利If we interfere,it will do more harm than good粗心之害大于无知Want of care do us more damage than want of knowledge他们所做的事害多於利They have done more harm than。


we will be in the network game#39s help in the sea of life所以,我觉得网络游戏利大于弊So, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of network game 打利大于弊英语了老久了。

考试利大于弊Examination,the pros outweigh the cons考试弊大于利Examination,the cons outweigh the pros。

All in all, from my personal perspective, the role of the network is more good than harm, we should learn to use it properly。




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