

Presiding judge, umpire, by applicant, third person, clerk, applicant,plaintiff civil law, defendant, consignee, legal representative,people#39s juror, witness, appraisal person, translation person, lawyer,supplement;看法律案例看到郁闷的时候,忽然一灵光,原来英文里也有八股文的啊~法律的CASE就是最好的证明典型的英文八股文原本一个简单明了的事情时间何时出了啥纠纷或案件地点在哪里发生的人物原告被告CA;plaintiff 英#160#712ple#618nt#618f美#160#712plent#618fnlt律原告Mr A was counsel for the#160plaintiff, and Mr B for the#160defendantA先生作原告的辩护人,B;Judge stand up, the parties into court All rise,原告的英文?Judge the case of all the parties present in court, courtJudge judge sit down Be seatedJudge It is now checking the identity of the;原告,辩护律师,陪审团成员plaintiff, prosecutor ,juror1对某人做了合法的行为 2决定被告是否有罪 3在法庭上指控某人 A plaintiff is a person who brings a legal case against someone in a court of law;declaration 英#716dekl#601#712re#618#643n 美#716d#603kl#601#712re#643#601nn 宣言,布告,公告,声明 纳税品在海关的 申报 法 原告的 申诉。

面对用英语表示为face to关键词汇face 音标英fe#618s 美fe#618s释义v 面对 面向 正对 面临,必须对付某情况 承认,正视现实短语1face down威风凛凛地挫败,反对 2f;有这个表达么?用在哪里,请详细说明 那在法律上申请人就是claimant或者说原告 被申请人就是respondent;The depositions of witnesses shu xiang liang ,li zhen zhang, pingkai kwok, and hong bin yu were similarly edited Finally ,the defense stipulated to redactions in the witness zhang dong yu‘ testimony;在其它场合是不使用的如alibi不在犯罪现场的证据,bail保释,appeal上诉,due diligence恪尽职守,judicial system司法系统,tort侵权plaintiff起诉人,原告等。

BETWEEN MARK Petitioner and lin Respondent BEFORE HIS HONOUR DISTRICT JUDGE BRUNO CHAN,JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT,IN COURT DECREE NISI On the 2nd day of january 2007 临时离婚判决书 地方法官陈布鲁诺 离婚案原告;声称 诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如The Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendant#39s breach of contract,原告声称原告的英文他的损失是被告违约所引致Allegation是名词 Assault 殴打,侵犯 以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为Assault;被告人英语The defendant1原告accuser,plaintiff,complainantlaimant,prosecutor,在美国一般叫做prosecutor2被告defendant,defendant,indictee,respondent,the accused,在美国一般叫做defendant和the accused3;例如libel就表示两种法律概念,第一种就有“诽谤诽谤罪文字诽谤书面诽谤”四种释义,第二种和上面概念截然不同,表示“原告的诉状”lexmercatoria据查就有“商法商事法习惯商法商业习惯法商人法律商人习惯法”六种释义。




