

1、不及格fail溺水英语,溺水溺水英语的drowning,真实地truly,便宜地cheaply,满意satisfied,尖叫scream,手术surgery,不愿意的unwilling,发现find,科学的scientific 希望对你有用~;这是你们老师叫你们做的作业吗掐人中这种事我们早就不做溺水英语了而且掐人中是个中医说法,没有正规翻译不过我可以告诉你溺水后心肺复苏相关的英语Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation,CPR心肺复苏Artifical Respiration人工呼吸;问题一“溺水”用英文怎么说 drowning英dra?n美dra#650nn溺水,溺死v使 淹没, 使溺死 drown的现在分词 浸透 浸泡 压过例句He was saved from drowning他溺水后被救了上;2 英语作文溺水 My name is li hua, and the most impressive thing of my life came to my life yesterday When I walked near by a lake with my friend, he was falling into the lake, and I was so worried。

2、问题一关爱生命,预防溺水的英语怎么说 Care for life, prevention of drowning 或者Love life, to prevent drowning 问题二用英语来说的防溺水安全资料 一预防溺水的措施 A drowning prevention measures 1应在成人带领;美dra#650nn溺水,溺死v使 淹没, 使溺死 drown的现在分词 浸透 浸泡 压过例句He was saved from drowning他溺水后被救了上来其他原型 drown 问题五落水系统用英语怎么说;1关于溺水急救常识写一篇120词左右英语作文 First Aid for Drowning If someone bees the victim of a neardrowning 心脏未停搏则称溺水,否则为溺死, this fastaction rescue plan can prevent a tragedy Your first priority;溺水 drowning 小心溺水的英文要怎么说!急急急 be careful, deep water!不小心溺水用英文怎么说 drowned carelessly 时事英语快乐学“溺水”用英文怎么说时事英文快乐学你会用英文表示“溺水”吗词汇链接溺水d;关于防溺水的英语作文There is only one life, how can drowning ambition make more people leave the world!We should resist tenaciously, and our lives should not be sacrificed in vain, just like Tao Yuanmings;关于溺水的英语作文,并谈谈看法 If someone bees the victim of a neardrowning 心脏未停搏则称,否则为溺死, this fastaction rescue plan can prevent a tragedyYour first priority is to get the drowning。

3、If someone becomes the victim of a neardrowning 心脏未停搏则称,否则为溺死, this fastaction rescue plan can prevent a tragedyYour first priority is to get the drowning person out of the water as;he should be kept warm by a blanket and then shifted to a hospital译文溺水急救 湿衣服应立即脱掉,并用毯子盖住使人暖和病人的脸应该朝一边,手臂伸到头顶以上水应该通过抬高身体中部排出肺部如果呼吸缓慢或无;溺水的人 英文drowning man 请救救溺水的人 Please save the drowning man Without hesitation, he struck out strongly for the drowning man没有丝毫犹豫, 他奋力向那个溺水的人游去;有一天,一个小男孩在沙滩上,他看到有一个小孩溺水了,他赶紧跳下水去救人,最后那个人救上来了,翻译是One day, a little boy was on the beach, then, he saw a child drowning He jumped into the water to。

4、My name is li hua, and the most impressive thing of my life came to my life yesterday When I walked near by a lake with my friend, he was falling into the lake, and I was so worried I did#39t。



