

词语用法 adj形容词1wet湿地英语的基本意思是“湿的湿地英语,潮的”湿地英语,指某物体表面有液体或处于液体状态2wet也可作“下雨的,多雨的”解n名词3wet用作名词的意思是“雨天,湿地”,通常用作单数形式,其前须加定冠词。

To protect wetlands is to protect the bright future of human beings2 湿地被誉为“地球之肾”Wetlands are honoured as quotthe kidney of the earthquot2月2日为世界湿地日 February 2nd is World Wetlands Day3。

swamp n 沼泽,湿地 v 淹没,陷于沼泽 ranch n 牧场 meadow n 草地, 牧场 讨论地理地形地貌英语口语表达句式 1 My home is in the capital It’s a cosmopolitan city湿地英语我的家在首都,它是一个世界性的大城市。



This year, the wetland area is greatly reduced, some rare and endangered birds often is hurt, I would suggest that banned hunting endangered animals, reduce the damage to the natural, maintain the ecological。

1 Establish wetland nature reserve, protect existing natural wetland 2 Of the wetland gradually retreated has reclamation field still wet 3 Take engineering measures, restore has degenerated wetland。



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