


throw light upon 英 θr#601u lait #601#712p#596n 美 θro la#618t #601#712pɑn释义 阐明,使清楚 Can you throw light upon these problems?阐述英文你能把这些问题解释清楚 吗 。

“中文导演阐述 英文director#39s interpretation 释义导演阐述电影导演在影片拍摄前阐述英文的重要案头工作用以阐明导演在电影文学剧本的基础上再创作的构思设想与要求,以统一影片各创作部门对导演创作意图以及未来影片概貌的理解。

阐述的读音是chǎn shù,阐字的声母是ch,韵母是an,音调是三声述字的声母是sh,韵母是u,音调是四声解释阐明陈述,详细的解释,述说,论述报告对宪法修正草案作了详细的阐述出处巴金 探索集·再。

I‘ll explain this title from two aspectsFirst,pointing out the reasonable partThe following parts will explain the relevant theory,opinion and then exemplificationSecond,pointing out the unreasonable partThis。

We can#39t make our own tears be the last drop of water in the worldAnd in many poor places people can#39t get clean water at all,we should save itIn developing and utilizing water resources and in。

1 Abstract 摘要 标准的论文摘要一般只要五句话就可以搞定,也就是后面每一个部分的一句话总结11 Introduction 进行本研究的理由,本项研究的研究现状存在的缺失或者不足12 Method所采用的研究方法13 Data。


The Internet is becoming more and more important in our daily life On the net, we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information as wellWe can also send messages by email。

创造性的英文是creativenesscreativity 双语的例句1这些艺术作品是中国人民创造性的见证These art works bear witness to the creativeness of the Chinese people2许多教师愿意更加进取,更富创造性Many teachers。

The advantage is to help you solve your own to do things The downside is that you lose their ability to solve problems The disadvantage is easy to learn bad Costly, harm the body The benefits are。

Accidents The major cause of fire deaths in private residences is accidents such as leaving a curling iron on, an electric blanket, or a dropped cigarette or an electric heater too close to flammable material。

but other people conceive differently英语作文常用句型 在英语写作中,有一些句型的搭配能力非常强,基本上可以用在各种话题的议论文中,如果能将这些句型掌握并熟练应用一定会使你的英文写作得心应手想不想试一试呢?一开头句型。


详细的英语是detailed detailed 音标英 #712di#720te#618ld 美 #712di#720te#618ld#716d#618#712te#618ldadj 详尽的,详细的装饰精细的,细致的 v 详细说明。

main idea适用中心思想的关键论点论据supporting sentences or supporting details适用关键论点论据的语句,一般为客观事实举例说明句conclusion汇总前边所提及的事儿或者中心思想再阐述一般构建一个英文段落时必须这几类原素。



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