

1、听的英语单词listen我听说用英语怎么说,读音英 #39l#618sn 美 #39l#618snv 听倾听听从听信 n 听倾听 词汇搭配 1listen closely仔细倾听 2listen in the music收听音乐 3listen to advice听从劝告 4;问题一“我听说我听说用英语怎么说了”用英语怎么说 我听说了 I heard that 注heard 英 h?d 美 h?rdv 听说 听取 听到,听见 hear的过去式和过去分词 得知例句I heard the most heartrending screams and;I heard that your leg was injured Is it getting better now?受伤应该用injured;例如I have never heard of this person before 我从未听说过这个人Have you heard about the new movie? 你听说过那部新电影吗总的来说,“hear of”和“hear about”在许多方面都存在一些不同,具体;你好我听说你要去中国旅行了 翻译成英语是I heard that you are going to travel in China希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

2、听说用英语怎么说 听说的英文hear of 参考例句I#39m most relieved to hear that she#39s recovered from her illness听说她康复了,我甚感欣慰I hear you have passed the entrance examination of the university听;听不懂用英语I don’t understand重点词汇understand v 理解,懂得了解,明白某事物谅解,体谅得知,听说默认,默许领会,推断出解释 短语 I Understand 我明白 我懂 听说 我理解 Now I;另外,hear 通常为及物动词,但有时也用作不及物动词如She doesn’t hear very well 她听力不太好主要意义和用法hearhear的基本意思是“听”,强调的是“听”的结果,即“听见”,引申还可表示“听说”“。

3、我听说你想学汉语用英语说是I hear you want to learn English一说中文的国家 世界上说汉语的国家有2个,中国和新加坡中文是中国新加坡的官方语言是联合国六种工作语言之一,主要流通于中国和新加坡以及美国;我在听说你在网上寻找一位京剧笔友英语I’m hearing that you are looking for a pen pal for Peking opera online;2hear about听到得知关于某人或某事的消息比hear of知道的更详细,具体 eg I#39ve just heard about his illness 我刚听说他生病的事I#39ve just heard about his promotion 我刚刚听到了他被提升的事;我听说了 I heard that 注heard 英 h#604d 美 h#604rdv 听说 听取 听到,听见 hear的过去式和过去分词 得知例句I heard the most heartrending screams and moans我听到了最让;听说,听人所说 下面就由我为大家带来关于听说的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获关于听说的相关短语 听说 hear of 听说 hear about 英语听说 Listening and Speaking English listening and speaking 听说课 Aural。

4、hear 还可作不及物动词,后接 of about 表示“听别人说” 指间接听到 后接from 意 思是“收到 某人 的来信”如I have never heard of such a thing 我从未听说过这种事Have you;学习英语口语,推荐选择美联英语,该机构师资力量雄厚,专业口碑值得信赖常用英语口语有1 How are you doing?你好吗2 I#39m doing great我过得很好3 What#39s up?出什么事了你在忙些什么怎么了。



