

是这样,不过别忘了他们错过了多少天伦之乐2一起together all at once in company with in conjunction with 3团圆饭 dinner 1Guess what? I#39m going to dinner at Mrs Combley#39s tonight你猜怎么;吃团圆饭的英文 have a family reunion dinner 吃团圆饭的英文例句 1 All the members of the family gather to enjoy a reunion dinner全家人聚在一起吃团圆饭2 At that time, all family members eat;“年夜饭”的英语是New Year#39s Eve meal“年夜饭”除了用New Year#39s Eve meal表示,很多时候也可以用reunion dinner表达,即“团圆饭”,年夜饭里一定要有鱼,寓意“年年有余鱼wish for an increase in;Family reunion dinner例句全家人聚在一起吃团圆饭All the members of family gather to enjoy a reunion dinner拓展 团圆饭 中国民俗团圆饭family reunion dinner 中国的春节,“吃”往往会成为大部分人;dinner 读法 英 #712d#618n#601r 美 #712d#618n#601rn中午或晚上吃的正餐,主餐宴会 三年夜饭又称团年饭团圆饭是指农历除夕每年最后一天的晚餐目的是在过年;1吃团圆饭的英语hanve#8194a#8194big#8194family#8194dinner例句On#8194the#8194last#8194day#8194of#8194the#8194lunar#8194year,#8194there#8194is#8194a#8194big。


All the members of the family gathered to enjoy a reunion dinner on The Spring Festival evening,then we set fireworks off;和家人吃团圆饭 have a gettogether dinner with one#39s family 赏月 watch the moon 教科书的,绝对没错;quot除夕也是大年三十,那晚全家人聚在一起吃团圆饭quotquotNew Year#39s Evealso New Year#39s Eve, when the whole family gathered for a reunion dinnerquot;Reunion dinner1dinner的读音英 #712d#618n#601r,美 #712d#618n#601r2释义n中午或晚上吃的正餐,主餐宴会3例句 She invited us to her house for dinner 她请。

昨晚我们举行了一场愉快的家庭聚会Thanks a lot! Do you know MidAutumn Day is a special festival for family reunion?太感谢了您知道吗,中秋节是个家庭团圆的特殊节日Because we celebrate the Spring Festival;1放鞭炮touch off the firecracker,中国人逢年过节婚丧嫁娶乔迁开张常放鞭炮庆贺2饺子dumpling with meat and vegetable stuffing jiao zi3团圆饭family reunion dinnerreunion dinner4贴对联。

吃团圆饭的英语句子有1例句In the festival,all family members go together and have a big dinner together解释在节日里,所有的家庭成员相聚一团,并一起享用晚餐2例句After the dinner,we;Having dinner with family members, enjoying the moon。

英语翻译On New Year#39s Eve, our family will make dumplings together, have a reunion dinner, and then watch the Spring Festival Gala春节祝福语1春节已来到,向你问个好开心无烦恼,好运跟着跑家人共。



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