

undoubted 简明英汉词典5Qn5dautidadj无疑无疑英语的, 确实的 doubtless 简明英汉词典5dautlisadj无疑的, 确定的 adv无疑地, 确定地, lt口大概多半 incontrovertible 简明英汉词典7inkCntrE5vEtEbladj无疑英语;毫无疑问的 adj undisputed英 #652nd#618#39spju#720t#618d 美 ,#652nd#618#39spjut#618dmisc without question。

Doubtless 你好,以上这个单词就是无疑的英文单词,希望能够帮到你,祝你生活愉快。


1、英 #652n#39da#650t#618dl#618 美 #652n#39da#650t#618dl#618adv无疑毋庸置疑地,的确地显然必定 词汇难度CET4 考研 IELTS TOEFL TEM4 双语例句Mr Brooke is。

2、“无疑”用英文表达的话有一下三种方式No doubt , Undoubtable , Undoubtedly 此处最佳的表达方式应该是用形式主语的句型It is no doubt that it is a cheering event 句中的cheering可以换为exciting等等It。

3、无疑,这将是一件非常令人兴奋的事情的英文翻译_百度翻译 无疑,这将是一件非常令人兴奋的事情 No doubt it will be a very exciting thing 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译。

4、certainly英语读音是英#712s#601#720t#601nli美#712s#604#720rtnlicertainly,英语单词,副词,意为“当然行用于回答必定”一短语搭配 1Sure Certainly当然可以Certainly。

5、certainly 英 #712s#604#720tnli 美 #712s#604#720rtnliadv无疑确定肯定当然行The public is certainly getting tired of hearing about it 关于此事,公众当然已经听腻无疑英语了。

6、问题一英语‘毫无疑问’怎么说 There is no doubt thatUndoubtedlyIt is beyond all question that以下是例句There is no doubt that men cannot get pregnant毫无疑问,男人是无法怀孕的Undoubtedly。

7、无疑的_释义There is no doubt that,certain,doubtless,questionless,incontrovertible,indubitable 短语无疑的 certainout of questionundoubted无疑的事实 a positive fact确定无疑的违宪 Unconstitutional Beyond。

8、there is no doubt that这是一个很重要的句型,要记住哦~。

9、汤姆确实是一个诚实的男孩Now, without question, we have been outplayed现在这场比赛,毫无疑问,无疑英语我们被击败了December is without question, the suicide season十二月无疑是自杀季节It is without question a。

10、形容词undoubted, unquestionablethere is no doubtquestion都可以用 is no doubt that he is guilty他无疑有罪。




Without a doubt, with an earthquake of this magnitude, there will be more deaths毫无疑问,这样高级别的地震会造成更多人死亡You know without a doubt that this will be so with your help你清楚无疑地知晓这。

标签: 无疑英语


