

This certify that we have quoted you for 20 metric tons of walnut kernel船期英文, it is 2500$ per metric ton for CIF European main ports with sailing date october船期英文;shipping date 考虑到最近无船期,我们同意推迟装期We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering that there is no steamer recently。

船期的英文是Shipping date双语例句1整个系统在Internet上用三层客户机服务器框架发布和显示,用户可以从客户端发送订单查询船期访问数据库等,从而实现数据交换On the client server,users can send order,qu;“船期为每周三周五”quotThe schedule is every Wednesday Fridayquot“船期为每周三周五”quotThe schedule is every Wednesday Fridayquot。


问国外代理船期是什么时候的,Ask what time the foreign agent shipment,问国外代理船期是什么时候的,Ask what time the foreign agent shipment。

船期暂时不能确定,请稍候 英文The ship#39s date is not definite for the time being Please wait a moment。

船期etb的意思是预计靠泊时间ETA即ESTIMATED ARRIVAL英文的缩写,中文意思是预计到达ETB 即Expected time of berth英文的缩写,中文意思是 预计靠泊时间ETD即ESTIMATED DEPARTURE英文的缩写,中文意思是预计离。

Please get the goods as soon as possible, otherwise, will delay our July already set a good schedule, and project followup 请您尽快去提货,否则,会耽误我们七月已经定好的船期,以及项目后续的 全部释义和例句。

we accept this sailing date,please make arrangement。

船期 shipping schedule, shipping date航程 voyage堆场 storage yardstack yard Please inform us the shipping schedule, voyage and position of the stack yard。


船期大概42天左右 The time schedule for about 42 days 问题三船期,航程,堆场 用英语怎么说 船期 shipping schedule, shipping date 航程 voyage 堆场 storage yardstack yard Please inform us the shipping schedu。

Schedules change, two days ahead of schedule,January 5th boat, is now shipping 3th。

ATA是 Actual Time of Arrival 的缩写,意思是实际到港时间常用空运名词1航空货运单 AWB Air Waybill由托运人或以托运人名义签发的单据,是托运人和承运人之间货物运输的证明2CAO Cargo for。

如果“船期”是关于出货期装运期的话, 可用 Whether the shipment date can be met? 如果“船期”是关于船公司船期安排船期表的话,可用 Whether the shipping schedule is OK。


麽诺恭梦挲 我的天,第一次把法语音弄成中文,原来这么难听学里学过的英文版国际贸易的专业术语 brand tag 烙印日 brand label 商品标签,货物商标 attention tag 注意事项标签 ship date 船期 shipping sample 装。



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