

鲁迅为人名,用Lu Xun做为前面的词,“自传”英文为autobiography两者合起来为Lu Xun autobiography;英文自传范例I am Lin Sophia is my English name I am 18 years old, studying in a public high school I come from a very happy middleclass family My father works in a bank and my mother works in a booksto。

climb on the door to the kindergarten, ready to go home quothookyquot, but was teacher quothidequot back, this matter has parents will often mention itI have a strong character, six years old when the doctor sai;关于英文自我介绍范文锦集十篇 来到一个完全陌生的环境,我们就有可能用到自我介绍,用自我介绍往往可以来展示自己写自我介绍时总是没有新意?以下是我整理的英文自我介绍10篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读 英文自我介绍 篇1 parttime job。



Autobiographer自传 My name is Cheng Gong I was born in Chongqing on Feb 14, 1980 My father is a worker in a facto, producing clothes and shoes My mother is a middle school teacher My brother。


老年大学 词典 collegeinstitute for senior citizens例句1987年我参加了四川省老年大学摄影班学习,家里人都说我那么大的年龄了还学啥In1987 I attended the University of Sichuan Province, photography class。

一般来说,若作为一本书名,则可这样表示Tim Duncan如果其出现在一句话中,则这样说Tim Duncan autogiography。

an autobiograghical movie autobiographical adj自传体的,自传的 例句A short biographical or autobiographical account个人简历短的传记性或自传性描述。

To introduce myself to you, deeply honored, I called Xu Junliang this year 26 years old from a warm family I am an only son, father and mother are ordinary workers, they paid too much for me believe。

Mark Twain pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 18351910, was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and。



My name is Cheng Gong I was born in Chongqing on Feb 14, 1980 My father is a worker in a facto, producing clothes and shoes My mother is a middle school teacher My brother owns a small。

自我介绍的英文版本的 自传 我出生在一个中产阶级家庭,新营,台南1965年10月10日我父亲是个文官,在台南市政府我的母亲是一所房子的妻子擅长烹饪虽然只有我的孩子,我的父母,我由一个被宠坏的一个无人区相反。


as an editor of the Journal of Nantong Polytechnic CollegeHe likes reading, writing and listening英文自传个人版My formal Chinese name is Sun Pan Chinese pinyin Sun is my surname Pan is my first name。


一般情况下可译为selfdescription或selfintroduction但若用在书名中,则应采取意译的办法比如雪堂自述,西方人恐怕除了少数汉学家是对雪堂罗振玉号没什么印象,则应译为A Great Scholar Lo Chenyu#39s。


