

Help me 谐音嘿要补米 词汇释义 帮助help aid assist assistance 例句 1有谁能帮助我就好了If only someone could help me帮我英语!2他们给我打了一针帮助我入睡They gave me an injection to help me sleep 3。

quotHelp sb with sthquot 和 quothelp sb to do sthquot 是两个常用帮我英语的短语,它们在意思上略有不同quotHelp sb with sthquot 指帮我英语的是帮助某人某项任务,通常是为了帮助某人解决某个问题或困难例如 Can you help me with my h。

六用法1 quotHelpquot 作为动词,主要表示“帮助,援助”,如 quotCan you help me帮我英语?quot你能帮我吗2 quotHelpquot 还可以表示“有助于,对有益”,如 quotExercise can help to reduce stressquot运动可以帮助减压。

你好你的问题是请帮助我翻译成英语可以表达为下面这样Please give me a handPlease lend me a handWould you please help me?Could you please give me some help?Could you please give me a hand。


Thank you for helping me希望帮到你,祝学习进步。

I#39m happy you said that, but it#39s you and only you that can#39t help me Do you know how important you are in my heart? I#39m going crazy just thinking of you every single day Each of your words。

k#230n ju h#603lp mi“你”的英文是you“能”的英文是can“帮助”的英文是help“我”的英文是me所以,综合起来“你能帮助我吗?”翻译成英语就是Can you help me。

你能帮我学习英语Can you help me learn English?词汇解析一can 英 k#230n 美 k#230naux可以能能够可能 二help 英 help 美 h#603lp1vt 帮助促进治疗补救 2。

From Assassin#39s CreedNothing is trueEverything is permittedIf you wish,even impossible things will become true注第三行不是刺客的信条里的,是其他人对信条的理解至于楼主提出的那一段,我会这么翻译。

我的意思是你帮我学英语,我帮你学数学9 John is always ready to help me with my English study约翰总是乐于帮我学英语10 Say, Henry, I wonder if you could help me with my English喂, 亨利, 你能。

你能帮我做作业吗2 I can#39t help but laugh at his joke我忍不住要笑他的笑话3 Please help yourself to the food请随便吃食物4 With the help of a dictionary, I finished the translation借助于。

谢谢你帮助我 的英文是1Thanks for helping me2I appreciate your help单词解释1thanks 英 θ#230#331ks 美 θ#230#331ksn感谢,谢谢 感谢,谢谢,道谢的话 thank的名词复数。

She has helped and carried me to a new and higher level问题二她帮助我极大地提高了我的英语英文 您好 翻译她帮助我极大地提高了我的英语 时态的分析她帮助你,是过去帮助了你也有可能将来会帮你。

Let#39s go dancing We like dancing very muchOh, my god! You can dance and I also like dancing I can dance breaking and popping, and furthermore, I can dance both well What kinds do you dance?I。

谢谢你帮我学英语Thank you for helping me with my English 句子解析 感谢某人做了某事在英文中翻译为thank sb for ,为固定用法,后面接动词doing形式句子中是“谢谢你”所以翻译为thank you for doing帮助的。

标签: 帮我英语


