

1、产品介绍的英文是ProductsProduct introductionIntroduction双语例句 1AMT控制系统结构及国外主要AMT产品介绍Introduction of the AMT Control System Structure and Main Foreign AMT Products2CM咨询策略产品介绍英文,过程定义。

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3、产品简介范文英文一Product nameIpad tablet computer Products to customerCustomer base is very big, mainly young people The product function and information description IPad was issued by apple company in。

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6、Today I want to introduce a product of Nike to you今天我想向大家介绍耐克的一款产品It#39s a bottle for sports它是一款运动型水壶Its color is green, which means energetic它的颜色是绿色,代表活力It is。

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9、The pen, is a great inventions of the human, is for writing or paintings with tools Many will have color pen through solid or liquid ink on paper or other solid surface rendering symbol or pictures。

10、不再以换代修2017年3月21日,苹果推出了一款拥有动人红色外观的特别版iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus,起售价格为6188元2017年9月13日,苹果推出了新一代产品iPhone 8和iPhone 8 PlusiPhone X和iPhone X Plus。

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