

防患于未然英语是nip in the bud1释义把消灭于萌芽状态预防措施英语, 防患于未然 遏其萌芽 杜渐防微 防患未萌2近义词Precautionary measures预防措施 Proactive prevention积极预防 Risk mitigation风险缓解 Preemptive预防措施英语;3precautionary measurepreventive measures预防措施4prevent disease预防疾病5preventative预防预防措施英语的6by way of prevention为预防起见, 作为防预7ward off mitigate防范化解8electronic pro;预防的英语是prevention 拓展预防是指采取积极的行动或措施,以防止某些事情发生或避免某些不良后果预防的范围可以非常广泛,包括预防疾病伤害事故自然灾害等等预防是一项非常重要的任务,因为它可以帮助保护我们的身体;prevent 含义广泛,指采取预防措施或设定障碍去阻止某人或某事bar 含义与block很接近,指阻塞通道或禁止出入,但有对暗示不用障碍物的阻止或禁止obstruct 正式用词,语气强,多指以干扰或设定障碍的方式阻碍交通,使不能;地震发生时的防范措施的英语作文篇一 if you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continuesto maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest reportand the suggestion, like the suggestion;7, the safe disposal and storage methods Disposal the handling of wearing the appropriate protective measures were to reduce exposure to dust of a place Prevent respiratory tract, eyes and skin;A Flood Disaster A flood disaster took place in some areas in China It had been raining all those days and never stopped, which led to the flood The PLA men arrived immediately to rescue the;When the earthquake occurs, when the people soberly come from thefear, again made the decision which how escaped probably also to beleft over several seconds time, lived in particular in the levelbuilding;经常有不少人在这里问英文单词的读法,还要求用汉字标注强烈建议大家学英语不能用这种办法要查字典,模仿有声字典发音因为汉字的读音里与英语基本音素,几乎没有几个能完全对等的所以用汉字标注,只能是个大概,这;In the winter season,many animals can only rely on body fat live We should CaiJu effective measures to prevent the spread of disease If you are infected with a bad cold,you#39ll have a fever,cough In。


很大一部分应该从治疗转移到健康教育和预防措施的开支The rising costs of health care have become an issue for many countries in the world To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of;preventive measure双语例句我们已意识到潜在的问题,并采取预防措施英语了全面的预防措施We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution当地已经采取预防措施,防止象群进入人类居住地引发人象冲突Precauti。

“预防”在英语中通常表示为“Prevention”,它指的是采取措施避免某种不良情况发生,或是减轻其影响下面将从预防的概念方法和应用等方面进行详细介绍一预防的概念预防是指在事情发生之前采取措施,以防止或减轻某种不良;纠正,纠正措施,预防措施 英文翻译 Corrective actions, corrective actions, preventive measures。

预防有1defend 2guard against 3prevent 1defend 防御, 防守, 保卫国家等以行动, 语言或文字替辩护或答辩 defend the motherland 保卫祖国 The accused man had a lawyer to defend him被告有一律师为预防措施英语他;预防禽流感的方法与其他感冒并无分别最重要是个人身体有良好的免疫力,并保持身处环境空气流通同时,应注意个人卫生,例如打喷嚏及咳嗽后应立即洗手,避免到人多拥挤和空气欠佳的地方专家强调,对于禽流感的预防,唯一;预防疫情,公众需“接种社会疫苗”秋冬季呼吸系统疾病对全体人群都会构成威胁,公众在日常生活中应该注意哪些“疫情的防控,稍不注意,或者说防控措施稍微松弛,就会出现反弹”吴尊友指出,公众要密切关注每天的疫情信息通报。


