

fierce是激烈竞争激烈英语的意思,通常用来形容竞争激烈 如Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce因为失业严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。

#160#160#160#160#160#160激烈的就业竞争的英文是Fierce competition for employment在英语中,fierce是形容词,意为凶猛的猛烈的competition是名词,意为竞争角逐比赛employment是名词,意为。


“hard”也可以用于形容物体的硬度,例如,“This rock is hard”这块石头很硬另外,“hard”还可以用于形容竞争激烈,例如,“The competition is hard”竞争非常激烈总结起来,“hard”这个单词通常是一个消极的。


“激烈的”英文表示方法drastic 读法英 #39dr#230st#618k #39drɑ#720 美 #39dr#230st#618k释义1adj 激烈的猛烈的 2n 烈性泻药 a drastic debate一个激烈的辩论 drastic。

Cruel competition残酷的竞争Severe competition激烈的竞争Smart mind聪明的头脑智慧的心思Brilliant mind 聪明的头脑Have a clever brain! 拥有一颗聪明的脑袋。

With the pace of economic growth is picking up speed,market competition has become increasingly fierceIn a highly competitive market environment,competitiveness or competitive advantage is a key factor in deciding。

教师职业竞争越来越激烈 英语翻译,线上等 The professional petition beeen teachers bees fiercer than before 越来越激烈的用英语怎么翻译 越来越激烈 More and more intense 怎样教孩子面对越来越激烈的社会竞争 如果。

社会竞争英语 社会竞争英语,适者生存,不适者淘汰这个生存法则我们都知道,随着社会的发展,职场上的竞争力越来越大,英语成为了我们生活中必不可少的东西,下面我整理了社会竞争英语社会竞争英语1 社会竞争激烈的英文。

1越是竞争激烈,越是需要调整心态,并且调整与他人的关系 The more fierce competition, the need to adjust, and adjust the relationship with other people 2追求生命的竞争,占据了所有的生物,且维持着他们的活动 Pursuit of。

参考如下Competitions to get these jobs are quite fierce, with the number of applicants this year fivefold from that of last year百度教育团队海纳百川团为您解答。

Retailers warn that the expansion of the programme to ever more product categories and places has encouraged cutthroat competition零售商们警告称,家电下乡项目增加产品种类扩大覆盖地区后,引发了残酷激烈的竞争。

竞争激烈英语你好,很高兴为竞争激烈英语你解答,正确的答案是,1 the advertising industry is a competitive industry2 at the university of good student competition is very fierce3I know about this industry is limited4 the。

我曾患有严重的抑郁症2 fierce 英 f#618#601s 美 f#618rsadj猛烈的,凶猛的,残忍的,狂热的例句Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈3。


