

关怀,挂念二国语词典挂念如父母总是无时无刻关心著子女三网络解释关心汉语词语关心guānxīn,解释1留意,注意2关怀,挂念英文解释ltConcernedfor释义把人或事物常放在心上;关于关注关注英文的英文阅读交友时应该最先关注哪里 If you#39re in the hunt for a new best friend, scientists say the first place you should look is down科学家们指出,如果你在找一个新关注英文的好友,那么你首先观察的;关注我 Pay attention to me 英 #601#712ten#643#601n 美 #601#712t#603n#643#601nn 注意,注意力 照料,关怀 殷勤int 口令立正;关注 Attentioncare aboutconcernhave an eye for 例句你是否会关注到周围人的领导潜力Do you notice leadership potential in those around you关注英文?我们集中关注在研究该类关系的工具We focus on the tools for;1quot关注quot用英语表示为attention to 2attention to的意思有注意,的注意,对的注意,对注意3我们要关注天气的英文为We have to pay attention to the weather;1focus on 关注,聚焦于 2pay attention to 注意 扩展资料 例句Don#39t always focus on the dark side of things不要总是关注事物的阴暗面To answer the two questions, let#39 s focus on the follow。


粉丝followers 转发reshare或者retweet 评论comment 关注follow几个单词的详细释义如下1follower #712f#594l#601#650#601 NCOUNT A follower of a particular person, group, or;关注消防 Attention fire 英 #601#712ten#643#601n 美 #601#712t#603n#643#601nn 注意,注意力 照料,关怀 殷勤int 口令立正;用在“我们要关注天气”中,关注的英语是 focus 句型focus on sth专注于天表示“集中于某事”例句1We need to focus on the weather我们要关注天气2Their talks are expected to focus on arms;“关注你” keep an eye on you quot关注你的英语quot keep an eye on your English 客气的指出楼上的介词不对,关注=keepn an eye on是固定用法,不能用out 楼主不管想问哪个,都有了如果还有问题可以找我~;关注 nattention v pay close attention, follow with interest, show solicitude for, follow closely 我们在关注着事态的发展We are monitoring the development of the situation双方密切关注着事态的发展Both sides;注意用英语说法可以是pay attention to翻译例句I jumped on the wall to grab the attention of the crowd我跳上墙头以引起众人的注意Luckily, I#39d noticed where you left the car幸好,我注意了你停车的地点;公众的关注 public attention例句如果公众人物想通过吸引公众的关注来推进事业,他们可能会不加选择If public figures seek publicity to further their careers, they can#39t be selective about it;市工商局表示,纺织产品使用时和洗涤后的褪色沾染同洗衣物一直是消费者关注的问题4Numerous falconers have viewed a general concern that captive bred birds seem to be getting smaller无数的鹰猎者观察发现圈养繁殖;I#39ll be watching you 我会始终关注你 这是比较口语话的说法 这样也行 I#39ll keep my eyes on you ~~Keep one#39s eyes on sb 这是表示盯着sb看, 关注sb ,或者是 见死不救 的意思~~~但是你的表达不。

concern常与指人的反身代词连用,表示“关心,关注”,其后常接介词about, in或with六双语例句I have a concern about his health我对他的健康有所关注The company expressed concern over the decline in sales。

focus on sth意为关注,聚焦;若为如图英文字样,那N图中说“u hav concerned a lot of people,hav a think of how to make other people concern about u!意为你已经关注了大量的人,请思考如何能让其他人关注你”所以请等第二天再进行关注。


