

This postcard came from 500km away不难的英语, he sent it from Xiamen I like the building on the back side不难的英语, and I think the best dream one can dream is to travel around the world,hehe~人工回答,拒绝机器。


1首先,第一 2你将到外面去呼吸新鲜空气 3同时 4,第三点5NECESSARY 6,最后 7KEEP OPTIMISTIC MOOD。

路上好走么问句的话Did you go smoothly on your way?The girl sat before him turned her head and said what a heavy snow。

1,The student#39s honesty and diligence lead us to trust him 2, the spring festival of 2009 was in jan 26th 3,Annual New Year#39s eve, the family usually sat down to eat the reunion meal 4,Chinese。

What made me greatly disappointed is, my visa has already been handled for three months, has not received any news As to your speed, I suspect seriously出国签证的速度是很让人。

标签: 不难的英语



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