

准确翻译These days it rained all the time不难的英语, and it is raining hard不难的英语, mother can#39t walk Floppy dog name, children can#39t go out to play, that evening the rain is very big, so noisy children Biff。


order to improve the public transportaion,the government has come up with a new proposalproposal2A surfeit of food often result in illnessresult in3This law is being revised,and it would be procl。

1首先,第一 2不难的英语你将到外面去呼吸新鲜空气 3同时 4,第三点5NECESSARY 6,最后 7KEEP OPTIMISTIC MOOD。

dear tom,thank you for inviting me to your birthday party,it must be wery interesting,but i am so sorry that i can not attend your partymy parents went for business,and they cannot be back until next。

2His father has been suffering from heart disease and doesn#39t recover didn#39t find her ideas are wrong until she went through a series of failure3个月没碰英语了,如有错误请见谅。

In comparison with other groups, our class is different不难的英语他是通过找关系才进入这个班的 He enrolled in this class by looking for relationship每天放学 不难的英语他总是汽车带着她并把她送到十字路口 Every day after class。

标签: 不难的英语



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