

1、一don#39t worry 读音英 d#601unt #712w#652ri 美 dont #712w#602ri请放心 例句1#39Don#39t worry about me别担心的英语,#39 I said #39I#39ll be okay#39“别担心我别担心的英语,”我说别担心的英语,“我不会有事的。


3、英文Don#39t worry 担心 英文worry anxious be afraid Don#39t worry We#39ll have you out of here doublequick别担心,我们会很快把你从这儿弄出去的。

4、don#39t worry造句 1 Don#39t worry We#39ll have you out of here doublequick别担心,我们会很快把你从这儿弄出去的2 Don#39t worry, your luggage will e on afterwards by taxi别担心,你的行李随后会由。


6、短语1worry oneself 担心,发愁 2no worry 一无挂虑无需烦恼 3worry over 为担心,为担忧 例句Don#39t worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。

7、一don#39t worry 读音英 d#601unt #712w#652ri 美 dont #712w#602ri请放心 例句1#39Don#39t worry about me,#39 I said #39I#39ll be okay#39“别担心我,”我说,“我不会有事的don#39t be。


8、问题一别担心,用英语怎么说 Don#39t worry问题二“不要担心,该有的都会有的”这句话英文怎么说不要用翻译工具来回答我 Don#39t worry Let nature take its course 问题三不要担心我用英语怎么说2。

9、有be worried about 的说法,却没有 don#39t be worried 因为 这样说法是被动语态了无需用希望对你有用。

10、别担心,慢慢来翻译成英文是Don#39t worry,comes slowlydo用来构成一般现在时和一般过去时的疑问或否定式,其后要跟原形动词worry的英式读法是#39w#652ri美式读法是#39w#604#720ri作及物动词意思有撕咬。

11、担心被人发现The fear of being discovered was his constant companion别担心,我会支持你的Do not fear I will support you别担心的英语他们担心河流会发洪水They were fearful that the river would1担心的英语是worry,读音英#712。

12、LL That’s right If you cheat on a test and then tell the professor because you feel guilty, then you are coming clean about your mistakeLH Hey, Larry, 你可别瞎说,我考试从来不作弊,心里没鬼,更。


14、担心的英文worryanxious 一worry 英 #712w#652ri 美 #712w#604rin担心烦恼,忧虑撕咬 vi担心,焦虑为发愁撕咬 vt使烦恼烦扰撕咬 Don#39t worry We have plenty of time。

15、担心英语说法1worry 担心英语说法2anxious 担心英语说法3care about 担心的英语例句别担心的英语他总提心吊胆的,担心被人发现The fear of being discovered was his constant companion别担心,我会支持你的Do not fear。


