

1、歌唱比赛英语称为singing competitionsinging competition来源方面,singing源于动词sing,表示唱歌competition源于名词compete,表示竞争例句She won the first prize in the singing competition 她在歌唱比赛中获得了第一名。

2、1Singing Contest英#712s#618#331#618#331 #712k#594ntest美#712s#618#331#618#331 #712kɑ#720ntest,歌唱比赛 歌咏比赛2例句She is even preparing。

3、唱歌比赛英文是Singing competition例句Meanwhile , I#39d like to invite you to act as a judge for the singing competition同时歌唱比赛英语我想邀请歌唱比赛英语你担当歌唱比赛歌唱比赛英语的评委There is going to be a singing competition this eve。

4、singing contest歌唱比赛 writing contest写作比赛 contest rules比赛规则 五单词用法contest的本意是“争论”,现代英语中可指任何善意或恶意的旨在较量能力力量耐力策略技艺的争斗与竞争,也指在竞赛中一个人。

5、唱歌比赛英文是Singing competition例句Meanwhile , I#39d like to invite you to act as a judge for the singing competition同时我想邀请你担当歌唱比赛的评委There is going to be a singing competition this。

6、写作思路可以写自己参加歌唱比赛,将歌唱比赛的过程详细地描述一下,中心要明确,语言要通顺等等正文Chinese people like singing, and I#39m no exception Today, the teacher held a singing competition中国人都喜欢。



8、we go back to practice more than sing and strive to take a good rankingquot Listening the teacher, then we would quickly empty practice the song until it sing by heartCompetition this day has finally come。

9、独唱部分一首流行歌曲主旋律上的独唱部分,由乐队一名成员演唱 A body of singers who perform choral compositions合唱团演唱合唱作品的歌手团体 A body of vocalists and dancers who support the soloists and leading。

10、比赛按性质不同可分为体育比赛歌唱比赛舞蹈比赛写作比赛等“世界杯”就是体育比赛,“超级女声”就是歌唱大赛,“桃李杯舞蹈比赛”就是舞蹈比赛,“全国大学生英语写作比赛”就是作文大赛形式 比赛有多种形式可以。

11、英语歌唱比赛l sing lcan 最近,我们在英语老师的带领下举行了一场别开生面的英语歌唱比赛大家也在这其中找到了英语的乐趣我们是以抽签的方式来决定表演的先后顺序大家一次唱下去,有的两脸羞涩,向一朵娇艳的。

12、1Singing是一个形容词,用于描述与歌唱有关的事物或人比如,一个“singing competition” 指的就是一个歌唱比赛“singing voice” 则是指能够唱歌的嗓音“singing performance” 则指的是一场表演2Singing也可以。

13、Dear lilyhow are you歌唱比赛英语?I want to invite you to take part in English song competition in our schoolyou have many advantages for example you can sing a song well and your English pronouns standardsso。

14、She joined a national singing competition and won the first prize她参加了一场全国性的歌唱比赛,并获得了一等奖He enrolled in a marathon and trained hard to prepare for the race他报名参加了一场马拉松。

15、必须用过去式 1won Maria在昨天的唱歌比赛中取得第一名2met 我们在路上碰到一位很出名的篮球运动员3had 中午我吃了一碗面,但它太难吃了!4bought 我帮Sally买了一个新手表5watched 我们看了一。

16、用英语表达你组织了一个歌唱比赛,邀请别人参加歌曲俱乐部写通知See belowDear All,We are going to have singing contest next Saturday evening at School HallPlease those with singing talent and like to join the。

17、Competition this day has finally come Lunch at noon, I excitedly carrying a school bag to school rush, just Jinjiao Men saw a lot of students on campus had already been sitting, and so I quickly ran。


